

Sujeewa HERATH
Cardiff Metropolitan University

Published 2018-11-29

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HERATH, S., HICKEY, P., & KOZLOVSKI, E. (2018). THE POLICY PARADOX: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN ETHNIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND IMMIGRANT INTEGRATION POLICIES. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 6(3), 551–569. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v6i3.384


This paper proposes an integrative framework and recommendations for enhancing public sector support utilisation amongst Ethnic Entrepreneurs (EEs) in the UK. The role of entrepreneurial IT adoption in an ethnic enclave is examined as a key factor affecting policy practice. The paper draws on interviews based on a purposive sample of 20 South Asian EEs with various capacities such as academic skills and the level of IT adoption. The findings show that despite the presence of relevant policies, the utilisation and awareness of public sector support are insufficient amongst EEs due to issues associated with trust, bureaucracy, time and communication. It is recommended that the entrepreneurial framework should facilitate the direct reaching of the targeted EE groups. This can be achieved by featuring network dynamics to improve attitudes towards the propitiousness of public support services, using appropriately selected role models. This study is one of the first attempts to incorporate ethnic entrepreneurship into the national immigrant integration agendas.


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