

Published 2018-11-29

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UÇAR, Z. (2018). DETERMINATION OF QUALITY COMPONENTS FROM MANAGERIAL POINT OF VIEW: AN EXPLORATORY RESEARCH FOR RESTAURANT BUSINESSES. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 6(3), 331–345. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v6i3.362


This study was carried out to determine the quality components of restaurant sector by qualitative research. In order to determine the quality components, in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 senior restaurant managers and owner managers operating in Bitlis province, Turkey.  As a result of interviews, five sub-components were labeled follow:  suitable environment, general attitude of service staff, product quality, hygiene and general cleaning and managementmentality. Then, in order to determine how the identified sub-components are perceived by the consumers, a questionnaire was formed in the open-ended and closed-ended questions and content and frequency analysis were conducted on the data obtained through 728 participants. Quantitative results to a great extent address the similar findings derived from the qualitative phase. Based on both qualitative and quantitative research results, several suggestions were made for the  restaurant managers and policy makers in order to increase the service quality offered by the restaurants in the local region.


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