

Selçuk Yurtsever
Karabük Üniversitesi

Published 2013-12-26

How to Cite

Yurtsever, S. (2013). THE MEASUREMENT SERVICE QUALITY OF THE HOSPITALS BY THE PATIENT SCALE: A RESEARCH ON THE PATIENTS IN KARABUK STATE HOSPITAL. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 1(1), 100–126. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v1i1.20


It has been known that both in the world and in Turkey a continuous change has been experienced in the provision of health services in recent years. In this sense by adopting the customer(client) focused approach of either public or private sector hospitals; it has been seen that they are in the struggle for presenting a right, fast, trustuble, comfy service. The purpose of this research is to measure the satisfaction degree, expectations and perceptions of the patients in Karabük State Hospital through comparison. In this context, the patient satisfaction scale which has been developed as a result of literature review has been used and by this scale it has been tried to measure the satisfaction levels of the patients in terms of material and human factors which are the two main factors of the service that was presented. In the study, with the scales of Servqual and 0-100 Points together, in the part of the analysis MANOVA have been used. The expectations and the perceptions of the patient has been compared first by generally and then by separating to different groups according to the various criterias and in this
way it has been tried to be measured their satisfaction levels. According to the results that were obtained, although, the satisfaction levels of the patients who have taken service from Karabük State Hospital are high in terms of the
doctors and the nurses; it has been reached to the result that their satisfaction levels are low in terms of the materials that have been used at the presenting of the service and the management.


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