

Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi
Uşak Üniversitesi İİBF İşletme

Published 2018-11-29

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UĞUR, U., & UĞUR, S. S. (2018). CONSUMER INVOLVEMENT IN CAUSE RELATED MARKETING INITIATIVES: A RESEARCH ON CONSUMER-BRAND-CAUSE FIT. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 6(3), 216–227. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v6i3.349


The aim of the research is to measure consumer involvement in cause related marketing initiatives and whether there are differences between the sub-dimensions of fit (consumer-cause fit, brand-cause fit and consumer-brand fit), and if there is a difference, which dimensions are more effective in affecting consumer involvement. In research used questionnaire tecnique, one way variance, correlation and regression analyzes were used to determine if there is a relationship between variables and if there is a relationship to determine the direction and strength of the relationship. As a result, there is a meaningful relationship between fit sub-dimensions and level of interest. The most influential dimension of consumer involvement in cause related marketing initiative is consumer-cause fit, while brand-cause fit is second. Consumer-brand fit is at the end. The fact that the consumer-brand-cause fit is as high as possible in cause related marketing initiatives can increase consumer's involvement, result in the consumer's positive reaction and support. Considering this relationship in the course of the planning of cause related marketing initiatives will directly affect the success of the campaign.


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