

Hakan Cebeci
Karabük İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü

Published 2013-12-26

How to Cite

Cebeci, H. (2013). WORK-RELATED ACCIDENTS AND EMPLOYEE SAFETY IN THE HOSPITALS: AN APPLICATION AT KARABUK CITY CENTRE. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 1(1), 62–82. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v1i1.18


In health sector, health care workers are exposed to a lot of work accidents as a source of the feature of the service. A set of legal arrangements have been made on the subject by the Ministry of Health is working basically assuring the safety of these arrangements, hospitals, hospital management, employee safety committee and a number of employees responsibilities. Evaluation of the work-related accidents which the health care workers are exposed to and safety issues related to working in health care workers and to contribute to the process of searching for solutions, applications, reviews of health care workers and detection of exposure to work-related accidents are important to employee safety. Virtue of this importance, the aim of our research, which threaten the security of working in hospitals and to identify the most common work-related accidents, accidents at work in the formation of this, according to the Service Quality Standards which essentially based on to provide patient and employee safety and to include all the health institutions in the country, hospital management, employee safety committee and responsibilities of employees and so on which provide employees the opportunity to evaluate separately by sections that determine the development of open spaces. Health personnel working in hospitals in the city center of Karabuk scope of the research carried out and the data obtained from questionnaires were applied to various analyzes.
Research of health personnel as a result of a work accident rate is quite high exposure, the culture of event notification which does not occur in hospitals, hospitals for the purposes of employee safety committees are actively
committed to the fore the results. In addition, the participants 'management' obligations relating to employee safety assessment in which the assessment is unfavorable compared.


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