

Selcuk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Minenur Sezer DİLEK
Selcuk University, Institute of Social Sciences

Published 2019-01-03

How to Cite

ÇAĞLIYAN, V., GELMEZ, E., & DİLEK, M. S. (2019). AN EXAMINATION ON THE IMPACT OF OUTSOURCING ON SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 6(4), 1379–1394. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v6i4.287


As a requirement of competitiveness, businesses procure those goods and services which are beyond their own fields of activity from specialized businesses. Based on this requirement, examination of the effect of outsourcing, one of the crucial instruments for businesses in gaining competitive advantage, on sustainable supply chain performance and business performance, is of importance in terms of bringing a point of view on the dimensions of the ongoing competition in sectoral sense and enabling the businesses to assess their own structures. In this context, the effect of outsourcing by businesses operating in food industry in the province of Konya on sustainable supply chain performance and business performance was examined in this study. Structural equation modeling was utilized to analyze the correlation between the variables. While no statistically significant correlation could be determined between outsourcing and sustainable supply chain perforrmance, it was found out that a statistically significant correlation existed between sustainable supply chain performance and business performance as well as between the outsourcing and business performance. 


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