

Muğla Sıtkı Kocman University
Dokuz Eylul University

Published 2019-01-03

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ASLAN, A., & ÖZEREN, E. (2019). “EARTHQUAKE WILL PASS, AND THE LIFE WILL GO ON”: A CRITICAL READING OF PUBLIC SPOTS OF DASK. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 6(4), 1271–1284. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v6i4.401


Neoliberal governmentality encourages individuals to value their life as a proper(ty). The neoliberal valuation of life embraces ‘self-responsible’ and ‘competitive’ individuals. Drawing on the contingency of life, neoliberal governmentality intervenes in affects to govern individuals. For instance, individuals are made anxious by the insecurity, vulnerability and ambiguity about the unintended consequences of what may happen to them. In this study, we address how Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool/‘Natural Disaster Insurance Institution’ (Doğal Afet Sigortaları Kurumu—hereafter, DASK) intervenes in affects for neoliberal valuation of life as proper(ty). With an interpretive, a post-structuralist and a critical management approach, we examine and analyze the content of the public spots of DASK through the lens of neoliberal governmentality. Accordingly, these public spots portray the victims of Van earthquake as ‘compulsory guests’ and problematise being a compulsory guest. We remark that the compulsory guests do not feel at home at their relatives’ homes. Within the neoliberal precarization process to foster responsible subjects, DASK portrays the uneasiness—or properness—of compulsory guests through hopes, anxieties and fears so that individuals are encouraged to get their compulsory earthquake insurance to avoid being a compulsory guest.


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