

Aksaray Üniversitesi İİBF İşletme Bölümü

Published 2018-09-02

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UMARUSMAN, N. (2018). EVALUATION OF PRODUCTION PROCESSES IN FUZZY DECISION ENVIRONMENTS: FUZZY GOAL PROGRAMMING AND AN APPLICATION. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 6(2), 488–507. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v6i2.240


If the aspiration levels of the goals are set realistically by the decision maker in Goal Programming, the deviations from the goals could occur too high as a result of the solution.  It leads the decision maker to make incorrect decisions. It is also the case for Fuzzy Goal Programming. When the fuzzy goals and their tolerance levels are not defined properly, there will be deviations from the goals. Additionally, if there are constraint functions besides the goals in the problems of either Goal Programming or Fuzzy Goal Programming, the solutions will deviate greatly from the incorrectly defined goal values as the solutions are realized based on the constraints. It is because the goals are limited by the constraints. This study firstly defines the positive and negative ideal solutions of objective functions in the problem organized in Multiobjective Linear Programming model for a business which manufactures hand crafted furniture. Afterwards, each objective is transformed into fuzzy goals using positive and negative ideal solutions.


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