Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

Evaluation of compulsory green employee behaviour in the framework of compulsory citizenship behaviour

Açelya Telli Danışmaz
Asst. Prof., Halic University, Istanbul, Türkiye

Published 2023-09-24


  • Yeşil Örgütsel Davranış, Yeşil Çalışan, Zorunlu Vatandaşlık Davranışı, Zorunlu Yeşil Çalışan Davranışı
  • Green Organizational Behaviour, Green Employee, Compulsory Citizenship Behaviour, Compulsory Green Employee Behaviour

How to Cite

Telli Danışmaz, A. (2023). Evaluation of compulsory green employee behaviour in the framework of compulsory citizenship behaviour. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 11(3), 966–974. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v11i3.2275


For a sustainable environment, organizations have adopted the green management approach and started to work towards adopting green organizational behaviours in their organizations. However, the fact that these behaviours are not always exhibited voluntarily reveals the need to explore a new concept: compulsory green employee behaviour. The main subject of this study is whether this behaviour can be handled within the framework of compulsory citizenship behaviour. This study, “Can compulsory green employee behaviours be evaluated within the scope of compulsory citizenship behaviours?” based on the question, it aims to reveal the reasons for the emergence of compulsory green employee behaviours from a conceptual and theoretical point of view by supporting them with the studies in the literature. For this purpose, the conceptual and theoretical background of green employee behaviour and compulsory green employee behaviour and the reasons for its emergence were examined in this study. As a result of the literature review and theoretical associations, it has been seen that compulsory green employee behaviours exhibited outside of official role definitions can be evaluated within the framework of compulsory citizenship behaviour. In this direction, future studies in this field, steps to be taken in the national and international arena, and measures to be taken are very important in creating a more environmentally conscious and conscious society.


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