Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

Customer satisfaction mediating role in the e-service experience and loyalty relationship on multi-channel grocery

Ulduz Azad
PhD Student, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Türkiye
İbrahim Kırcova
Prof. Dr., Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Türkiye

Published 2023-09-24


  • Çok Kanallı Gıda Marketleri, Hizmet Operasyonları, Müşteri Deneyimi, Sadakat
  • Multi-Channel Grocery Shopping, Service Operations, Customer Experience, Loyalty

How to Cite

Azad, U., & Kırcova, İbrahim. (2023). Customer satisfaction mediating role in the e-service experience and loyalty relationship on multi-channel grocery. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 11(3), 945–965. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v11i3.2272


Retailers are constantly striving to increase the value they offer to consumers. In particular, omnichannel grocery retailers aim to design a customer-oriented online experience to differentiate themselves from their competitors in the retail industry of the future and to provide a positive experience for customers within limited contact time during online service. This study aims to fill the gap in the literature on changing customer expectations with digitalization and retail dynamics in the field of fast consumption by investigating the intermediary relationship between customer satisfaction, customer experience and customer loyalty in multi-channel retailers operating in the growing food retailing in online channels and to offer practical suggestions. Survey answers collected from 219 participants who shopped from online food retailers in the research were analyzed using SPSS for Windows 22.00, and AMOS 24.0 program, and the mediating role of customer satisfaction and customer service experience awareness between customer experience and customer loyalty was tested as path analysis structural equation modelling. The bootstrap (n=2000) method was used to test the mediation hypotheses. As a result of the research, it was found that the awareness of customer service experience played a mediating role, and the satisfaction variable did not mediate.


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