

Yasar Universitesi
Yaşar Üniversitesi

Published 2018-01-07

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SANAL, A., & ÖZTÜRKOĞLU, Y. (2018). EVALUATION OF USAGE AND APPLICATION AREAS OF QR CODES IN SERVICE INDUSTRY. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 5(4), 172–189. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v5i4.180


The use of QR codes accelerates the sharing of information and provides more practical access to information. In today's information age, in the limited area unlimited information, data and contents can be transferred with using QR code. This study examines how consumers use QR code technology using by the service sector and aim of inform consumers about their perception and usage levels. In the application part of the study, 180 consumers responded the survey questions. The t-test, ANOVA, variance analysis and regression analysis method were used to test hypotheses established in the research. Thus, factors affecting the perceptions of consumers on QR code technology have been identified. The finance and banking sectors have been identified as the sectors in which consumers use the QR code most frequently, and the speed and availability factors for this sector have been analyzed separately.


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