Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

The effect of gadget-loving on service orientation: A study on the technology sales consultants

Fatma Bümen
Graduate Student, Bahçeşehir University, School of Business, Master of Marketing, İstanbul, Türkiye
Aybeniz Akdeniz Ar
Prof. Dr., Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, Balıkesir,Türkiye

Published 2023-06-26


  • Gadget Lover, Technological Opinion Leadership, Service Orientation, Customer Orientation, Sales Orientation
  • Teknoloji Düşkünlüğü, Teknolojik Fikir Liderliği, Hizmet Yatkınlığı, Müşteri Odaklılık, Satış Odaklılık

How to Cite

Bümen, F., & Ar, A. A. (2023). The effect of gadget-loving on service orientation: A study on the technology sales consultants. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 11(2), 481–491. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v11i2.2225


This study aims to determine the effect of gadget-loving sales consultants working in technology stores in Istanbul on the service orientation of the employees. In the model created in line with the purpose of the study, the effect of technological innovation, technical curiosity, technological optimism, need for uniqueness, materialistic personality traits on gadget-loving, and the effect of gadget-loving on technological opinion leadership were tried to be determined. Accordingly, a survey was conducted with the participation of 752 employees, and structural Equation Modelling analysis was performed. Findings show that gadget-loving has a positive effect on service orientation. Also, the high level of gadget-loving of the employees positively affects their technological opinion leadership. In conclusion, employees’ technological innovation, curiosity, optimism, and need for uniqueness. Materialistic personality traits affect gadget-loving, and gadget-loving emerges as a personal trait that should be taken into account by managers in human resources management for gaining a competitive advantage in technological product markets, increasing service quality, and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Findings show that gadget loving has a positive effect on service orientation. Also, the high level of gadget loving of the employees positively affects their technological opinion leadership. In conclusion employees’ technological innovation, curiosity, optimism, need for uniqueness, and materialistic personality traits affect gadget loving and gadget loving emerges as a personal trait that should be taken into account by managers in human resources management for gaining a competitive advantage in technological product markets, increasing service quality, and ensuring customer satisfaction.


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