Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

From a strategic management perspective, comparison of graduate/undergraduate education performances of research universities and efficiency determinants: The case of Turkey

Asist. Prof. Dr., Aksaray University, Vocational School of Social Sciences, Aksaray, Turkey

Published 2023-03-25


  • Data Envelopment Analysis, Tobit Regression, Higher Education Institutions, Strategic Management, Research Universities

How to Cite

PEHLİVANLI, E. A. (2023). From a strategic management perspective, comparison of graduate/undergraduate education performances of research universities and efficiency determinants: The case of Turkey. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 11(1), 121–135. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v11i1.2179


This study determined undergraduate and graduate education efficiency scores using the 2020 data from 20 state research universities in Turkey. The study used input-oriented data envelopment analysis to compare undergraduate and graduate education efficiencies. In the study, the efficiency of the research universities in the prioritized field(s) was compared with the efficiency in the field(s) in which they operate intensively. It also includes suggestions on increasing their effectiveness in the prioritized field(s). In addition, the Tobit regression model, which is a regression model for limited dependent variables, was used to determine the determinants of efficiency scores. The findings show the undergraduate and graduate education performances of research universities comparatively. In addition, based on the results obtained from the Tobit regression model, suggestions were made to increase graduate performance. Five factors (the number of graduate students per faculty member, the number of undergraduate students per academic staff, the number of graduates/undergraduates in the number of students and graduations, and the number of faculty members per program) have a significant effect on graduate performance. Therefore, it is important in terms of strategic management that research universities should be restructured by considering these factors or that they should be considered in plans. The study offers an alternative perspective to performance management in both education and management.


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