

Balca Berfin UYGUÇ
Logistics Expert
Izmir University of Economics

Published 2017-12-19

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UYGUÇ, B. B., & SEVİL OFLAÇ, B. (2017). INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION: CONSIDERATIONS IN PREFERENCE AND THE PROBLEMS BETWEEN EUROPE AND TURKEY. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 5(3), 834–859. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v5i3.138


Intermodal transportation has become increasingly important, as global supply chains tend to spread their activities in diversified countries. Intermodal transportation has its own issues that should be investigated in a deeper sense. Therefore, through conducting semi-structured interviews with logistics companies, this study aims to analyze the considerations in intermodal preference and problems faced during intermodal operations between Europe and Turkey. 


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