Vol. 10 No. 3 (2022): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

The relationship between the female employment rate and inflation in Turkiye: Fourier ADL cointegration analysis

Dr., Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, İstanbul, Turkiye

Published 2022-09-25


  • Kadın İstihdamı, Enflasyon Oranı, Fourier Eşbütünleşme
  • Female Employment, Inflation Rate, Fourier Cointegration

How to Cite

DOĞANER, A. (2022). The relationship between the female employment rate and inflation in Turkiye: Fourier ADL cointegration analysis. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(3), 1036–1047. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v10i3.2102


Inflation means an increase in nominal national income relative to real national income and negatively impacts the household's purchasing power. In this case, the general level of prices increases continuously and perceptibly. For this reason, women unwilling to work may tend to participate more in the workforce to support their family budgets as their incomes decrease due to high inflation. Therefore, in this study, the relationship between women’s employment rates and inflation rates in Turkey is desired to be investigated for the period 1990-2020. Fourier-based tests were used within the scope of the research. First, the stationary levels of the variables were tested with both traditional unit root tests and the Fourier ADF unit root test. As a result of the tests, it was determined that the variables were not stationary at the level but were stationary at the first differences. The Fourier ADL cointegration test was used to determine the long-term relationship between the variables.


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