Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

A study on the effect of cyberbullying on organizational ostracism in remote working

Assist. Prof. Dr., İstanbul Esenyurt University, İstanbul, Turkey
Barış ORAK
Res. Assist., Istanbul Esenyurt University, Istanbul, Turkey

Published 2022-06-25


  • Dijital Zorbalık, Örgütsel Dışlanma, Uzaktan Çalışma
  • Cyberbullying, Organizational Ostracism, Remote Work

How to Cite

ÖZTIRAK, M., & ORAK, B. (2022). A study on the effect of cyberbullying on organizational ostracism in remote working. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(2), 605–630. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v10i2.2056


The active use of digital tools in business processes is increasing at unprecedented rates with the COVID-19 pandemic era. The widespread use of these tools has led to the adaptation of many behaviours in the workplace. This research it is aimed to test how the abuse of digital tools affects organizational ostracism. This study examined the relationship between cyberbullying and organizational ostracism and the effects of remote working frequency on these two concepts. According to the research results conducted with 404 participants from 15 different sectors in Istanbul, exposure to employee cyberbullying is significantly related to organizational ostracism. Individual-oriented cyberbullying, one of the two sub-dimensions of cyberbullying, has been found to affect organizational ostracism negatively. Job-oriented cyberbullying, the other sub-dimension of cyberbullying, has been found to impact organizational ostracism positively. In addition, it has been determined that the relationship between remote working with organizational ostracism and cyberbullying is not significant. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that being exposed to cyberbullying at work leads to exclusion from the organization.


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