Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

Evaluation of perceptions about the concept of conscious consumer: A metaphor analysis study

Emine Nihan Cici Karaboğa
Assist. Prof. Dr., Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, Turkey

Published 2022-03-26


  • Bilinçli Tüketici, Tüketim, Metafor, İçerik Analizi, Betimsel Analiz
  • Conscious Consumer, Consumption, Metaphor, Content Analysis, Descriptive Analysis

How to Cite

Cici Karaboğa, E. N. (2022). Evaluation of perceptions about the concept of conscious consumer: A metaphor analysis study . Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(1), 412–428. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v10i1.2024


This study aims to evaluate the perception of the conscious consumer concept in the consumer's mind through metaphors. It is desired to determine how the conscious consumer, which is one of the key concepts for establishing a sustainable life cycle, and therefore the conscious consumption activity, is interpreted by the individuals in the consumer position. For this reason, in this study, in which phenomenology was preferred among the qualitative research designs, 109 consumers were reached, whose universe was chosen as Turkey. From the consumers, “The conscious consumer is like/similar to ………………………. Because …………” sentence was asked to be completed with metaphors, and the reason was explained. The obtained data were analyzed using content and descriptive analysis methods. While 75 metaphors in the analyzed data were divided into five different categories, these categories were evaluated in the context of the literature. The most preferred metaphors in the study have been determined that being economical, sensitive to the environment, a business manager and a piggy bank.


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