Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

Semiotic analysis of brand personalities in social media according to Jung's archetypal brand personality model

Gül Dilek Türk
Dr. Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Aydın, Turkey

Published 2022-03-26


  • Sosyal Medya, Marka, Kişilerarası İletişim
  • Social Media, Brand, Interpersonal Communication

How to Cite

Türk, G. D. (2022). Semiotic analysis of brand personalities in social media according to Jung’s archetypal brand personality model. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(1), 280–309. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v10i1.2005


Since the importance of psychological factors in marketing studies has been realized, it has been used extensively in advertising, marketing, and social media channels. The use of messages, symbols and associations that will affect the consumer's subconscious in communication studies has also been the subject of many studies. When the effect of archetypes developed by psychoanalyst Carl Gustave Jung on people's feelings, thoughts, attitudes and behaviours was noticed, "archetypal brand personality models" were developed by adapting this model to the marketing field to establish stronger bonds with the consumer. When brands added human adjectives to themselves, they received positive feedback from consumers and used archetypal personalities to make it more effective. It is aimed to establish stronger emotional bonds with the consumer by sharing archetypal personalities in social media, where interaction with the consumer is the strongest and interpersonal communication tools are also used intensively. This study examined the archetypal approach in brand personality by considering the archetypal brand personalities of the top 10 most valuable brands of 2021 selected by KantarBrandZ. In the study, the posts made by the brands selected with the purposeful sample on their Instagram accounts throughout the year 2021 were examined with semiotic analysis within the scope of the archetypal brand personality model. According to the findings, it has been observed that the brands use archetypal brand personality in their official Instagram accounts, and the archetypal preferences that show a structure compatible with the brand personality strengthen their interactions with their followers. The research findings illustrate that the archetypal dimensions that stand out in the preferences of the brands are explorer, clown, wise, naive, mother, one of us, ruler, creative and rebellious. The research also reveals that in line with their products and services, the technological brands generally prefer the archetypes of naive, clown, wise, creative, explorer; the banks prefer the archetype of the mother; the brands in the food industry choose the ruler and the explorer archetypes; and the social media brands prefer one of us, rebel and jester archetypes. Therefore, the archetypal brand personality model appears to be a valuable tool in attributing personality to brands.


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