Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

NFT world within the context of transmedia storytelling

Görkem İldaş
Assist. Prof. Dr., Maltepe University, İstanbul, Turkey

Published 2022-03-26


  • Transmedya Hikâye Anlatıcılığı, NFT, Kripto Sanat, Pazarlama İletişimi
  • Transmedia Storytelling, NFT, Crypto Art, Marketing Communication

How to Cite

İldaş, G. (2022). NFT world within the context of transmedia storytelling. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 10(1), 229–244. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v10i1.1994


Filmmakers, writers, advertisers, public relations specialists, game designers, digital creators —in brief, all storytellers are increasingly using transmedia narrative elements to reach their target audiences. This study discusses how the narrative genre of transmedia storytelling, which expands in many fields from art to education, from literature to marketing, will contribute to NFTs (Non-Fungible Token), which are digital assets that express works of art connected to block-chain technology. The study's primary purpose is to discuss the world of NFT within the framework of transmedia storytelling. This study, based on a literature review, aims to discuss NFT with transmedia storytelling and current NFT examples. The world of NFT (Non-Fungible Token), which has made a name for itself in the last few years and has very few studies in the literature, is also a world not far from transmedia storytelling due to its structural features. Digitization, which has led to permanent changes from art production to the consumer experience meeting with art, has finally entered our lives with NFT —as a sub-version of coins and tokens that can be defined as digital money. NFTs, which can be defined as digital passports, offer the user the opportunity to travel the digital world by blending different platforms, precisely like transmedia storytelling. It has been understood that transmedia narrative can contribute to the world of NFT, while NFTs can also be a tool used in transmedia storytelling as a narrative tool. Both are concepts fueled by multimedia, storytelling, gamification strategies and communities. At this point, it has been determined that there are many areas that they can transform and contribute when they meet on common ground. The literature review determines that the importance of NFTs having a story universe for the development of the NFT ecosystem has been highlighted. In this regard, it is essential to spread the stories of NFTs through different tools such as digital games, applications, fan culture, websites and make the buyer a part of the universe, just as in transmedia storytelling. It is anticipated that more research will be conducted on this subject in the upcoming years, as an important market will emerge in the field with the proliferation and adoption of the production of NFTs. This study is thought to be one of the pioneering studies in this aspect since it is rarely found in the literature that discusses this subject with transmedia storytelling.


This study examines how the transmedia storytelling narrative genre, which has a place in many fields from art to education, from the world of literature to marketing, will contribute to NFTs, which are digital assets that express works of art connected to blockchain technology. The primary goal of the study is to discuss whether NFTs can be approached within the framework of transmedia storytelling. This study, which is based on a literature review, aims to address NFT with transmedia storytelling and to discuss it through current examples.


It has been understood that transmedia narrative can contribute to the world of NFT, while NFTs can also be a tool used in transmedia storytelling as a narrative tool. Both are concepts fueled by the use of multimedia, storytelling, gamification strategies and communities. At this point, it has been determined that there are many areas that they can transform and contribute when they meet on a common ground. It is anticipated that more research will be conducted on this subject in the upcoming years, as an important market will emerge in the field with the proliferation and adoption of production of NFTs. This study is thought to be one of the pioneering studies in this aspect, since it is almost never found in the literature that this subject is discussed together with transmedia storytelling.


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