

Burcu KÖR
Boğaziçi University
Boğaziçi University

Published 2017-12-19

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KÖR, B., & MUTLUTÜRK, M. (2017). KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH TRENDS. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 5(3), 525–547. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v5i3.127


As a young and interdisciplinary field, Knowledge Management (KM) holds a crucial role in scientific research and development of knowledge-intensive economies.  This study elaborates on the methods used in previous studies regarding the research trends of KM and their contribution to the discipline by examining the KM literature. The purpose of the study is to determine the current research trends of KM by analysing KM citation classics and examining their characteristics as well as presenting a holistic framework of KM publications from the results of citation analysis. A total of 152 articles published in peer review journals between the years 2010-2014 were analysed. As a result of the analysis, a holistic KM framework was developed in order to contribute to a consensus of KM field. The results of the study reveals that the coverage of KM articles expanded into a broad spectrum of concepts, disciplines and environment. 


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