Vol. 9 No. 4 (2021): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

The strategy implementation competence: A case analysis of Brisa’s strategy process

Nufer Yasin Ateş
Assist. Prof. Dr., Sabancı University, İstanbul, Türkiye

Published 2021-12-25

How to Cite

Ateş, N. Y. (2021). The strategy implementation competence: A case analysis of Brisa’s strategy process. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 9(4), 1315–1334. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v9i4.1891


Strategy implementation competence, defined as the alignment between an organization’s actions and strategic intentions, is central in achieving long term strategic goals. However, the extant literature on how organizations can improve their strategy implementation competence is scarce. This research aims to develop a theoretical framework about the antecedents of strategy implementation competence and demonstrate its application in a single case study. After positioning the strategy implementation competence view compared to the traditional strategy process approach, we identify three antecedents of the concept: strategic involvement, alignment, and commitment. We illustrate how these antecedents are associated with the strategy implementation competence in a leading international firm in the tire industry: Brisa Bridgestone Sabanci Lastik ve Ticaret A.S. The case study results show that strategic involvement from multiple hierarchical levels enables strategy implementation competence. In addition, organizational members’ shared understanding of corporate strategies and their commitment to strategies induce strategy implementation competence.


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