Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

Can transformational leadership eliminate the negativity of technostress? Insights from the logistic industry

Berat Çiçek
Asst. Prof., Muş Alparslan University
Erman Kılınç
Asst. Prof., Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University

Published 2021-03-25


  • Dönüşümcü Liderlik, Teknostres, Lojistik
  • Transformational Leadership, Technostress, Logistic

How to Cite

Çiçek, B., & Kılınç, E. (2021). Can transformational leadership eliminate the negativity of technostress? Insights from the logistic industry. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 9(1), 372–384. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v9i1.1770


This paper aims to reveal the relationship between transformational leadership and technostress. Quantitative research methods were adopted to determine the relationship. The model was examined using partial least squares based structural equation modelling using data from 334 employees working in logistics companies operating in Malatya. The findings of the research illustrate that transformational leadership behaviour affects technostress negatively. In other words, individuals who have transformational leaders faceless technostress than others. Since limited papers discuss these variables together, it is expected that the study may be helpful, especially for the logistic industry, due to the results of the relationship.


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