Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal

Ceo narcissism: Main theories and organizational reflections

Halit Keskin
Prof. Dr., Yıldız Teknik University
Selahaddin Şamil Fidan
Res. Asst., Yıldız Teknik University

Published 2021-03-25


  • CEO narsisizmi,
  • Narsisizm,
  • Örgütsel çıktılar
  • CEO Narcissism,
  • Narcissism,
  • Organizational Findings

How to Cite

Keskin, H., & Fidan, S. Şamil. (2021). Ceo narcissism: Main theories and organizational reflections. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 9(1), 76–96. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v9i1.1731


Narcissism is described by personality traits such as excessive self-confidence, desire to be applauded, intense admiration expectancy, feeling considerably exceptional, a sense of entitlement, assertiveness, risk-taking, aggressiveness, jealousy, exploitation, and lack of empathy. The study's primary purpose is to illuminate the central dynamics of CEO narcissism, which reflects narcissism in organization studies. We made comprehensive evaluations about how CEO narcissism is conceptualized, the main theories explaining CEO narcissism, and its impact on organizational studies. Besides, we focused on how narcissistic CEOs think, feel/motivate and react. We assessed the advantages and disadvantages of the main theories that explain CEO narcissism. We proposed the virtue ethics perspective in shaping the moral basis of CEO narcissism. Consistent with the paradox theory, it has been suggested that CEO narcissism may be worked with variables of CEO compassion, empathy and wisdom. In this context, the conservation of resources theory has been proposed to CEO narcissism research.


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