Vol. 8 No. 4 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Emine Nihan Cici KARABOĞA
Asisst. Prof. Dr., Necmettin Erbakan University
Res. Asisst. Dr., Selçuk University
Asisst. Prof. Dr., Necmettin Erbakan University

Published 2020-12-10


  • Marka, Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Tüketici Güveni, Torku
  • Brand Corporate Social Responsibility Consumer Confidence Torku

How to Cite

KARABOĞA, E. N. C. ., KIZILOĞLU, E. ., & KARABOĞA, K. (2020). THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PERCEPTION ON CONSUMER TRUST FROM BRANDING PERSPECTIVE: TORKU CASE. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(4), 347–366. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i4.1719



Corporate social responsibility is the fact that businesses do not only aim for-profit but work towards fulfilling their responsibilities towards the society outside of these activities (Carroll, 1979: 497). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the idea that businesses have some responsibilities towards society. Businesses have obligations such as serving the society as well as primary business purposes such as maintaining their existence, making a profit, growing, competing. Corporate social responsibility can be considered as a function that provides a positive contribution and image to the company in the branding process of a company.

Consumer confidence is the expectation that a brand will be reliable and that the company will show goodwill in cases that express risk to the customer (Delgado-Ballester, 2004). The consumer has goodwill about the business with the brand he believes in and trusts the business. According to Sirdeshmukh et al. (2002), consumer confidence is the fact that the consumer behaves more confident about the future behaviour of the business with the activities of the businesses in this way, that is, the risk perceived regarding the activities of the business decreases.

In the studies on corporate social responsibility activities, it has been tried to shed light on the effect of CSR on their economic and financial performances. However, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms by which CSR affects consumers and therefore, corporate performance. Numerous studies have shown that CSR programs have a substantial impact on consumers. However, little is known about the way consumers see CSR. For this purpose, This research has been prepared to measure the effect of corporate social responsibility perceptions on consumer confidence in the process of creating a new and successful brand. By Brand, Torque firms operating in Turkey have been selected markets.


The effects of customers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility of the Torku brand on their trust in the brand were aimed to be analyzed through a questionnaire (n: 207). The obtained data were analyzed with SPSS 20, and AMOS 21 programs and the hypotheses were tested. Reliability analysis, explanatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were applied to the data.


As a result of the analysis, it was seen that corporate social responsibility perceptions regarding the Torku brand had a significant and positive effect on consumer confidence Also, it has been concluded that the perception of responsibility towards the country hurts consumer confidence. In contrast, the perception of responsibility towards the consumer has a positive effect on consumer confidence.


It is thought that this study, which examines the effects of the corporate social responsibility activities of enterprises that have significant effects on social, social and environmental factors on consumer confidence, will contribute to the local literature. The fact that there are not many studies in our country and in the world where the relationship between these concepts are studied, and the variables are tested with structural equation modelling constitute the importance of the study.

The results of the research conducted on the subject in the national and international literature are in line with the results of the study in question. For example, Oppewal et al. (2006) found that corporate social responsibility positively affects consumer choices. Stanaland et al. (2011), in their studies examining the relationship between CSR activities and consumer perception, stated that perceived financial performance and perceived ethical quality affect CSR, which positively increases perceptions of corporate reputation, consumer trust, and loyalty. Altunoğlu and Saraçoğlu (2013) stated in their studies that corporate social responsibility practices increased the loyalty, trust and business image of hotel customers.

The study has some limitations. Firstly, Konya province was chosen for the research population, and the sample was limited to the two districts where Torku in Konya has the highest sales. Another limitation of the study is that only quantitative research method was used as a research method. It is recommended that researchers for future studies to reveal the study findings supported by qualitative research methods.


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