Vol. 8 No. 4 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Sabiha KILIÇ
Prof. Dr., Hitit University
Kübra Müge ÇAKARÖZ
Asisst. Prof. Dr., Hitit University
Phd. Student, Hitit University

Published 2020-12-10


  • eWOM, eWOM Alt Boyutları, Online Satın Alma
  • eWOM eWOM Subdimensions Online Purchase

How to Cite

KILIÇ, S., ÇAKARÖZ, K. M. ., & CİVEK, F. (2020). DETERMINATION OF EWOM EFFECT IN CONSUMERS’ ONLINE PURCHASE DECISION. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(4), 177–203. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i4.1713



The subject of the study is the concept of eWOM (Electronic Word of mouth Marketing). E-WOM can be defined as spreading information through more than one individual, online word-of-mouth communication (Koçak, 2017, p. 27). eWOM motivations are categorized under five headings; It is in the form of "Obtaining Information on Purchasing, Social Orientation Through Information, Community Membership, Economic Incentive, Getting Information About The Product" (Henning, Thurau & Walsh, 2003).

  • Acquiring Information About Purchasing: Consumers can reduce risks and the research process by reading explanations written in online communities and by taking advantage of other consumers' ideas related to the product to be purchased (Aydın, 2014, p. 88).
  • Social Orientation through Information: Consumers will be able to take measures against problems that may occur when they decide to purchase a product or when they think about it, thanks to unbiased and unbiased information approved in consumer evaluations (Koçyiğit and Çakırkaya, 2019, p.6).
  • Community Membership: A sense of belonging to a virtual community is beneficial for integration into processes in online communities (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004, p. 42).
  • Economic Incentive: Consumers have the opportunity to keep the cost and benefit they obtain from the products and services they buy with the online experiences they read about the products and services at the highest level (Aydın, 2014, p. 90).
  • Obtaining Information about the Product: Consumers can obtain information about new products, learn how to consume them, or find solutions to their problems related to product use through the comments of other consumers on the eWOM environment through the information they obtain from the eWOM environment (Godes et al., 2005 as cited in Koçyiğit and Çakırkaya, 2019, p.7).

The increase of eWOM effect depending on the consumers' shopping habits on online platforms and the determination of the eWOM effect level on the online purchase decision in this study constitute the importance of the study. The primary purpose of the study is to determine the effect of eWOM on the online purchasing decision of consumers and also to determine whether the online shopping habits differ according to the demographic characteristics of the consumers and the relationship between the online shopping habits and the eWOM effect level.



In the studies examined in the literature review, the connections such as the appropriateness of online messages, the importance of the comments, the reliability of the comments, and whether the perceptions made online differ by gender were emphasized.

The study contributes to domestic and foreign literature by examining the relationship between electronic word of mouth and online purchasing decision and determining the eWOM sub-dimensions that are effective in online purchasing decisions.


The study is a research article examining the relationship between electronic word of mouth and online purchasing decision. Answers were sought for the hypotheses created in line with the aims of the research. The data used in the study were obtained by questionnaire technique. The data obtained were analyzed with the SPSS 23 package program. Independent Sample T-Test, One-Way ANOVA, Correlation and Regression analyzes were used to analyze the data. The conceptual model of the study designed within the scope of the aim and basic assumptions of the study is summarized as follows.

Demographic characteristics

eWOM Impact Level

Online Purchase Decision

Online Shopping Levels







                                                                                                                            (Indirect Impact)









The hypotheses developed within the scope of the study purpose and model are listed below.

H1: There is a difference in online shopping habits according to the demographic characteristics of consumers.

H1a: There is a difference in the online shopping habits of consumers according to their gender.

H1b: There is a difference in the online shopping habits of consumers according to their ages.

H1c: There is a difference in online shopping habits according to the marital status of consumers.

H1d: There is a difference between the online shopping habits of the consumers according to their education level.

H1e: There is a difference in online shopping habits according to the income level of the consumers.

H2: There is a relationship between the online shopping habits of consumers and their eWOM effect levels.

H3: The level of perception of eWOM has an impact on online purchasing decisions of consumers.

  1. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION                               

It is seen that 40.2% of the participants in the study are female (n = 163) and 59.8% are male (n = 242). It was determined that approximately 85% of the participants were under the age of 35 (n = 345) and 86% were at least undergraduate or graduated education (n = 315). When the marital status of the participants is examined, it is seen that 78.3% are single (n = 317) and 22% are married (n = 88). It was found that 84% of the participants had a monthly income of less than 4,500 TL.

When the level of online shopping of the participants was examined, it was stated that 66% of the participants used mobile applications belonging to shopping sites (n = 269) and 34% did not use mobile applications (n ​​= 136). It is seen that approximately 54% of the participants do electronic shopping at least once a month (n = 218). It is seen that the top three shopping platforms preferred by the participants when shopping online are the brands' shopping sites, Trendyol and n11.com, respectively.

The findings obtained from the hypotheses determined in line with the scope, purpose and hypothesis of the study are as follows: The sub-hypotheses examined according to the H1 hypothesis are as follows: The online shopping habits of consumers according to their gender, age, marital status, educational status and income status were analyzed with the Independent Sample T-test. a difference was determined at the significance level of p <0.05. Pearson Correlation Coefficient results of H2 hypothesis. At the p <0.001 significance level, there is a significant relationship between the online shopping habits of consumers and the sub-dimensions of the eWOM effect level. According to the results of the Regression Analysis of the H3 hypothesis; It is concluded that there is a significant relationship between eWOM effect level and online purchasing decision (p = 0.000).


Electronic word of mouth marketing is thought to be important for both consumers and businesses. As a result of user comments and evaluations, consumers can access accurate information about products, learn about economically suitable and quality products, and make purchasing decisions by saving space and time costs. Businesses, on the other hand, can attract the attention of potential customers and gain their trust by sharing the positive experiences of users and giving high scores in product and brand evaluations. It can also be said that positive electronic word of mouth marketing contributes to the promotion activities of businesses.

In the studies conducted in the literature review, in general, the relevance of online messages, the importance of the comments, the reliability of the comments, and whether the perceptions made online differ according to gender was emphasized. This study has a unique value in terms of examining the relationship between electronic word of mouth and online purchasing decision and determining the eWOM sub-dimensions that are effective in the online purchasing decision.

In the study, online purchasing behaviour is generally discussed. However, in future studies, eWOM impact level can be examined based on sectoral and online platforms.




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