Vol. 8 No. 4 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Phd. Student, Hitit University

Published 2020-12-10


  • Tüketici Etnosentrizmi, Yerli Üretim Logosu, Satın Alma Niyeti
  • Consumer Ethnocentrism Domestic Production Logo Purchase Intention

How to Cite

ULUSOY, G. (2020). THE EFFECTS OF THE CONSUMERS ETHNOCENTRIC TENDENCIES ON THE PURCHASE INTENTION TO PRODUCTS WITH DOMESTIC PRODUCTION LOGO. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(4), 139–158. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i4.1711





                People’s sense of belonging is as old as human history.  The demands and expectations of individuals or societies have changed continuously in the course of history.   Undoubtedly, this change occurs under the influence of internal and external factors affecting the individual or society. Especially with the effect of globalization, the process of change has accelerated and has become an international competition. The term ethnocentrism was first used as a term in the field of sociology in 1906 by William Graham Sumner (Shimp et al., 1987, s.280). Ethnocentrism is perceiving the ethnic group in which a person belongs as the centre of the universe. Ethnocentrism is perceiving the ethnic group in which a person belongs as the centre of the universe (Yu et al., 2002). Consumer ethnocentrism is a concept that focuses on the behaviour and thought patterns of individuals against foreign products (Yıltay, 2017).

                The subject of research by identifying consumers’ ethnocentric tendencies to determine the relationship between the purchase behaviour of products produced in Turkey. Thus, the effectiveness of the campaign for purchasing products with domestic production logos will be tested.


In this study, it is aimed to determine the effect of ethnocentric tendencies of consumers on the intention to purchase products with domestic production logos.  Also, this research aimed to the effectiveness of the campaign for purchasing products with domestic production logos will be tested.


Therefore, the study is of unique value as it is the first study to measure the effectiveness of a product purchase campaign with a domestic production logo.





This study was designed to determine the effect of consumers’ ethnocentric tendencies on purchasing behaviour. Additionally, descriptive statical research is employed to understand the structure of the data set.


The middle of the 2018 year, since the beginning of the exchange rates, to rise in Turkey, Consumption of domestic products has become more important economically. A campaign promoting the consumption of domestic products has been announced. A logo has been developed for the announced campaign to be more easily found by consumers.


Quantitative research methods were used in the study. The data were obtained by the survey method, which is one of the primary data collection tools. In the study, the results of the survey conducted with 358 consumers were evaluated.


Quantitative methods were used in the study. First, descriptive statistics of the data were obtained. Secondly, T-Test, One Way ANOVA methods were used for the data obtained.     


H1: There is a difference between the ethnocentric tendency levels of the consumers and their intention to purchase products with the domestic production logo.

H2: There is a difference between the socio-demographic variables of consumers and their intention to buy products with the domestic production logo.

H2a: There is a difference between the gender of consumers and their intention to purchase products with domestic production logos.

H2b: There is a difference between the age groups of consumers and their intention to purchase products with domestic production logos.

H2c: There is a difference between the income groups of consumers and their intention to purchase products with the domestic production logo.

H2d: There is a difference between the level of nationalism of consumers and their intention to purchase products with domestic production logos.


The survey method was used to collect data in the study, and 358 consumers participated in the research questionnaire. Of the 358 consumers participating in the research, 188 are female (52.5%), and 170 are male (47.5%). 35.75% of the participants are in the 18-25 age group. 50.55% of them are in the 26-35 age groups, and 13.7% are in the 36-45 age group. The educational status and income ranges of the participants participating in the research; The ratio of individuals with a university or higher education level among the total participants is 83.2%, while it is 16.7% for individuals with a lower university level.  59.2% of the participants defined themselves as ethnocentric, and 34.2% did not define themselves as ethnocentric consumers. Following the CETSCORE scoring, the scores of the participants were categorized according to the ethnocentric trend level. Accordingly, 42% of the consumers participating in the study were determined as Low Ethnocentric Level, 22.3% as Medium Ethnocentric Level and 35.5% as High Ethnocentric Level.

  • HYPOTHESIS TEST RESULTS                                               

The H1 hypothesis, which is about the relationship between the ethnocentric tendencies of consumers and the intention to buy products with domestic production logos, was accepted. It was found that the group average of the consumers with the high ethnocentric level was higher.

The H2 hypothesis investigates the relationship between the demographic characteristics of consumers and their intention to purchase products with domestic production logos. In this context, the H2 hypothesis consists of 4 sub-hypotheses. These are age, gender, income groups and ethnocentric attitudes. H2a hypothesis was analyzed by T Test. H2b, H2c and H2d hypotheses were analyzed by Anova Test. H2b Hypothesis was rejected, H2a, H2c and H2d hypotheses were accepted.


When the relevant literature is examined, studies have been carried out on factors and product groups that generally affect consumer ethnocentrism. In addition, studies have been carried out on the ethnocentrism levels of consumers living in different countries. This study groups consumers according to their ethnocentric tendency levels and deals with the relationship between consumers in each trend group and their intention to purchase products with domestic production logos.

    • RESULTS of the ARTICLE

In the study, the literature on consumer ethnocentrism and the logo of domestic production is discussed conceptually. The two main and four sub-hypotheses determined within the scope of the study were analyzed using various statistical methods, and the results were tabulated. Accordingly, a significant difference was determined between the ethnocentric tendency of consumers and the intention to purchase products with the domestic production logo, and it was commented that this difference might be due to the participants with high ethnocentric tendency.


In future studies, it may be suggested to work on different product groups, different incomes, groups and professions. Besides, ethnocentric trends regarding certain products can be studied comparatively with citizens of different countries.


In this study, the questionnaire, which is the primary data collection method, was used. Conducting surveys with individuals aged 18 and over with disposable income can be expressed as a limitation of the study. Also, reaching consumers with an awareness of the domestic production logo will be expressed as other limitation of the study


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