Vol. 8 No. 4 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Prof. Dr., Erciyes University
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Erciyes University
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University

Published 2020-12-10


  • Ahlakî Kimlik, Bağlamsal Performans, Örgütsel Özdeşleşme
  • Moral Identity Contextual Performance Organizational Identification

How to Cite

AKDOĞAN , A. A. ., CİNGÖZ, A., & KÖKSAL, O. (2020). A STUDY ON DETERMINING THE RELATIONSHIPS AMONG MORAL IDENTITY PERCEPTION, CONTEXTUAL PERFORMANCE AND, ORGANIZATIONAL IDENTIFICATION. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(4), 50–68. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i4.1706





Moral identity is a kind of regulatory mechanism that motivates and supports the moral behavior of individuals (Hart vd., 1998: 518; Hart vd., 1999: 376-377). Individuals with moral identity use concepts such as love, respect, tolerance, peace, compassion, and benevolence when defining themselves and the reasons for their behaviour in social life (Yılmaz ve Yılmaz, 2015: 112; Akdoğan vd., 2018: 937-338). Moral identity cannot be reduced to personality traits associated with prosocial behaviours such as resilience, conformity, conscience, or productivity, but it is also related to these concepts (Hart vd., 1998: 515). In particular, the attitudes and behaviours that are defined by these expressions or whose reasons are explained by these expressions, are attitudes and behaviours that are positive towards the organization and aimed at contributing. Organizational identification and contextual performance can be given as examples of attitudes and behaviours that are positively developed towards the organization and aimed at contributing. Contextual performance is voluntary behaviour that is performed beyond general expectations to encourage the effective operation of the organization or to benefit others in the organization (Lin vd., 2010: 358). Organizational identification, on the other hand, is the individual's definition of himself within the scope of the organization of which he is a member and feeling like a part of this organization (Mael ve Ashforth, 1992: 104-105; Turner, 1975: 6). Individuals with moral identity use positive emotions and expressions when defining themselves and the reason for their behaviour in social life. They could feel responsible for other individuals and events.




The purpose of this study is to determine the regulatory role of organizational identification in the effect of moral identity perception on contextual performance. Determining the relationship between the concepts is essential in terms of both contributing to human resources applications such as career management and ensuring high performance of employees in line with organizational purposes.


It is known that moral identity perception affects individual attitudes and behaviours. However, in the literature, there is no study showing the effect of moral identity perception on organizational identification and contextual performance by considering these variables together. In this respect, it is thought that the study will contribute to the literature.




This article is a research article.





The data collection method used in the study is a questionnaire. Various statistical methods analyzed the data collected from the employees of industrial enterprises operating in Kayseri Organized Industrial Zone. Convenience sampling method was used to determine 165 participants.


In order to test the hypotheses of the research, the PROCESS 2.16.3 process, which is based on the regression analysis of Hayes (2013), was used.     


The research has two main hypotheses.

H1: Moral identity-Perception of moral identity has a positive effect on contextual performance.

H2: Organizational identification has a regulatory role in the impact of moral identity on contextual performance.


As a result of the analysis, it was found that the contextual performance of employees with moral identity increased. This finding is similar to some research findings examining the relationship between moral identity and employee behaviour in the relevant literature (Aquino et al., 2009; Rupp et al., 2013). In this research, additional findings were obtained that could contribute to the theoretical and practical literature for understanding the relationship in question. In this sense, it has been found that the effect of moral identity on contextual performance decreases in cases where organizational identification is high, and the effect of moral identity on contextual performance increases when organizational identification is low. On the other hand, when moral identity and organizational identification are low, contextual performance is at the lowest level. Despite the positive effect of moral identity and organizational identification on contextual performance separately, when the multiplicative effect of these two variables is concerned, the effect of moral identity on contextual performance differs according to the level of organizational identification.


As a result of the analysis, it has been found that the effect of moral identity perception on contextual performance decreases in individuals experiencing a high level of organizational identification, and the effect of moral identity perception on contextual performance increases in individuals who are identified with low-level organizational identification. The findings are discussed in the context of the relevant literature. Two main constraints can be mentioned within the scope of the research. Collecting the data obtained through the questionnaire from a single source (the individual himself) causes bias, which can lead to subjectivity in measurements. Thus, the size of the linear relationships emerging as a result of the analysis may increase (Podsakoff et al., 2003). Collecting data from different sources in future research may prevent this limitation. Another limitation is that this study is a cross-sectional study. Since cross-sectional research is a field study conducted in a specific time frame, it is not always possible to conclude the causal relationships between variables. Therefore, in future studies, instead of collecting data in a specific period, this constraint can be prevented by a longitudinal research design and the causal relationships between variables can become more reliable. In this study, the regulatory role of organizational identification in explaining the effect of moral identity perception on contextual performance is examined. The research model can be developed further by adding a new one to the research variables in future studies. Besides, the mediator and regulatory roles of other variables that are thought to have an impact on contextual performance can be examined. 


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