Vol. 8 No. 5 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Assist. Prof. Dr., Beykent University

Published 2020-12-25


  • Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesi,
  • Müşteri Memnuniyeti,
  • Algılanan Değer
  • Perceived Service Quality,
  • Customer Satisfaction,
  • Perceived Value

How to Cite

ÇELİKKOL, Şimal. (2020). THE EFFECT OF PERCEIVED SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: THE INTERMEDIARY ROLE OF PERCEIVED VALUE . Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4680–4701. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1694



Mobile internet providers want to provide customer satisfaction by providing better internet service to their users and thus gain a competitive advantage. There are many firms located in Turkey, which offers mobile internet services and communication in the industry. However, companies operating in the sector are trying to profit and even survive in an extremely competitive environment. Intense competition in the industry requires understanding the factors that affect customer satisfaction. Because customer satisfaction is vital to gaining new customers and having more market share by retaining existing customers.

A model, including perceived service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction, was formed in the study. The study's model can help us understand how mobile internet service customers' satisfaction is formed and contribute to filling the gap in the literature for mobile internet services. Also, it is considered that the findings in the research will create awareness among the managers of companies offering mobile internet services.



Research hypotheses were tested using data collected from private university students in Istanbul. Therefore, the sample of the study consists of private university students. The data of the study were collected between 1 - 11 May 2019. The reason for collecting data from private university students in the study is that they are more active than other populations in mobile service usage behaviour (Momotaz, 2019).

Several procedures were used to increase the number of participants and to reduce anxiety among participants. Firstly, information on reducing anxiety in the participants was presented on the first page of the questionnaires. The information on the first page of the questionnaire contains information about writing the name of the survey, sharing the data with third parties, and the research aims. Also, the number of expressions in the questionnaire was kept very low (17 statements). Thus it is targeted to reduce cognitive fatigue in the participants. The questionnaires were distributed to the students by going to cafeterias, restaurants, and resting places where university students are concentrated. The return was obtained in 453 of the 700 questionnaires distributed (rate of return 64.71%). The obtained survey data were analyzed according to outliers, and 34 questionnaire data were excluded from the study. Thus, 419 valid survey data were obtained in the study.



Perceived service quality (= 0.408, 95% CI = [0.3264, 0.4894], t = 9.8314, p <0.05) and perceived value (= 0.111, 95% CI = [0.0374, 0.1836], t = 2.9689, p <0.05) affect customer satisfaction significantly and positively. Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2 are supported in the light of the findings. Also, the significance of the indirect effect (β = 0.032, SE = 0.0121, 95% BCA CI = [0.0101, 0.0574]) regarding the determination of the mediator role of perceived value indicates that perceived value has a mediator role in the effect of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction. Hypothesis 3 was supported in line with the findings obtained. 

Research enriches our understanding of the antecedents of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is a strategic issue to achieve success in the competitive world and gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Providing customer satisfaction strengthens companies' reputation and enables them to gain a competitive advantage by increasing their profitability. The findings of the study show that perceived service quality is the determinant of customer satisfaction. It is recommended that companies offering mobile internet services determine the expectations and needs of their customers and provide services accordingly. Meeting customers' expectations and needs will increase the service quality perceived by customers and create customer satisfaction. Besides, research findings show that perceived value is a vital variable in ensuring customer satisfaction. In this context, it is recommended that mobile internet service providers include applications that will positively affect customers' perceived value in their marketing policies. The literature documents that price reductions and invoicing transparency affect customers' perceived value perceptions and contribute significantly to customer satisfaction (Uddin and Akhter, 2012). In this context, it is recommended that companies reduce prices for mobile internet usage and ensure transparency in invoices. Although the study has strengths, it has some limitations. Therefore, these limitations should be taken into account when evaluating research findings.


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