

Published 2016-04-17

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FİDAN, Y., ERCAN, S., YILMAZER, A., & ŞEHİRLİ, M. (2016). THE EFFECT OF GENDER ON JOB SATISFACTION: A STUDY ON CIVIL SERVANTS. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 4(1), 110–124. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v4i1.149


Job satisfaction refers to the pleasure a person gets from their job, the feeling of satisfaction and the quality of life. The main aim of this study is to examine the effect of gender on job satisfaction, which is an important factor for both organizations and employees. Job satisfaction can be defined as the feeling that the human resources feel about their work and it has an important place among the concepts that affect the success of organizations such as business efficiency, employee attendance and performance. In this context, job satisfaction levels of the employees in a public institution in Karabük and the effect of gender on job satisfaction were examined using the job satisfaction scale. Data were gathered through a questionnaire and analyzed by using frequency and percentage distribution. According to the findings, it was found that some concepts in the job satisfaction scale were meaningfully differentiated from gender. It could be claimed that if the managers take the concepts that were found to be meaningful into consideration, it will increase the motivation of human resources and will serve creating viable organizations.


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