Vol. 8 No. 5 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


PhD. Student, Yıldız Technical University
Prof. Dr., Yıldız Technical University

Published 2020-12-25


  • Paylaşım Ekonomisi, Paylaşımlı Ulaşım, Otomobil Paylaşımı
  • Sharing Economy, Shared Mobility, Car Sharing

How to Cite

ALARÇİN, M., & KIRÇOVA, İbrahim . (2020). A CONCEPTUAL STUDY ON CAR-SHARING SERVICES BASED ON SHARING ECONOMY. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4521–4545. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1676


Sharing is indicated as an alternative form of distribution to the exchange of goods and gift-giving. It encourages a sense of community, saves resources and creates specific synergies. Many factors such as the increase in the use of internet services and smartphones, globalization and urbanization, increasing e-commerce transaction volume, the reliance on online payments, the global economic recession, changes in general attitudes and more attention to sustainability in consumption have led to the development of the sharing economy in recent years. The sharing economy has given the possibility to the people to use the resources efficiently and to distribute them to where it is much needed when they are sitting idle. The shared mobility, which is one of the central areas in sharing economy, is having a growth in the last decade, due to the increased urbanization, high cost of ownership and changes in consumption habits. Even though there are different modes of shared mobility services, the most common one in Turkey is car-sharing. In this conceptual study on car-sharing services based on the sharing economy, a comprehensive literature review is conducted. In these regards, firstly the concept and importance of sharing economy is emphasized and then shared mobility services, and types are discussed individually. Lastly, car-sharing services and their types are examined. With this study, it is aimed to make a total contribution to the sharing economy literature on car-sharing services.


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