Vol. 8 No. 5 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Asisst. Prof. Dr., Hitit University
Aslıhan KAYA
Lect. Dr., Hitit University

Published 2020-12-25


  • Kariyer Gelişimi,
  • Örgütsel Bağlılık,
  • İşten Ayrılma Niyeti
  • Career Development,
  • Organizational Commitment,
  • Intent to Leave

How to Cite

DEMİRER, Ömür, & KAYA, A. (2020). TESTING THE EFFECTS OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ON ORGANISATIONAL COMMITMENT AND INTENTION TO LEAVE: A SAMPLE OF AVIATION GROUND SERVICE EMPLOYEES. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4175–4210. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1654



In the business world, having qualified employees is very important for organisations that want to be successful by keeping up with the constant change and competitive environment. Career development services play an important role in hiring qualified employees and keeping them in the organisation. Employees perform better in their jobs when they receive career development services and do not want to leave the organisation that contributes to their career. Therefore, serving career development opportunities to employees provides various benefits for both organisations and employees.


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the organisational career development services, career commitment, and career development process on the organisational commitment and intent to leave.


The study has made a significant contribution to the literature by examining the personnel in the aviation sector. Because, in Turkey, the number of field researches in the aviation sector is not enough.


The study is a research article. It is conducted a quantitative method in this research.


The research question posed is as follows: Do the career development opportunities offered by organisations affect career commitment and career satisfaction of employees, increasing their commitment to the organisation or decreasing their intention to quit?


The data collection method is the survey method. From the literature, the measurement tool was formed and applied to employees in the aviation ground services organisations in Turkey. The survey was conducted in Istanbul, Ankara, Mugla, and Adana. 600 personnel who agreed to participate in the survey took the questionnaire; 317 of them completed the questionnaire. The response rate of the surveys is 52.83%. Since 10 of the surveys contain insufficient information, 307 surveys were considered valid.


The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Analysis were used in the study.


The model of the research is given below.


H1: Career commitment has a positive effect on career development.

H2: Career commitment has a positive effect on organisational commitment.

H3: Career commitment has a negative effect on the intention to quit.

H4: Career development has a positive effect on career satisfaction.

H5: Career development has a positive effect on organisational commitment.

H6: Career development has a negative effect on the intention to quit.

H7: Career satisfaction has a positive effect on organisational commitment.

H8: Career satisfaction negatively affects the intention to quit.

H9: Organisational commitment has a negative effect on the intention to quit.


Career commitment has a positive, moderate effect on career development (c.r. 8,929; p <0.01; std. direct effect 0.52). Career commitment has a positive, low level effect on organisational commitment (c.r. 2.487; p <0.05; std. direct effect 0.22). Career development has a positive, high level effect on career satisfaction (c.r. 12.327; p <0.01; std. direct effect 0.73). Career development has a positive, medium-sized effect on organisational commitment (c.r. 3,780; p <0.01; std. direct effect 0.62)


H1, H2, H4, H5:             Accepted.             H3, H6, H7, H8, H9:            Rejected.


In this study, the effects of organisational career development services, employees' commitment to their careers, and their level of satisfaction with achieving career goals on the aviation ground service employees' organisational commitment, and intention to leave were examined. EFA, CFA, and SEM Analysis results show that organisational career development services have an effect on aviation ground services employees' organisational commitment, and career satisfaction (literature supported), but show no effect on the intention to leave (literature not supported). Also, career development opportunities offered by the organisation were significant for the employees who have higher levels of career commitment.

    • RESULTS of the ARTICLE

This study is a step towards meeting the need for field research in the aviation industry. It is significant for the literature. With the findings of the study, it has been tried to reveal the feelings and thoughts of aviation sector employees towards their organisations.


The indirect and mediating effects between this study's variables can be examined in the future. Also, the study can be replicated in the future using the same variables but with more participants.


The limitation of the study is the number of participants. Due to the difficulty in reaching personnel in the aviation sector, the number of participants' remained at a certain level.


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