Vol. 8 No. 5 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Sakarya University
Asisst. Prof. Dr., Sakarya University of Applied Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Sakarya University

Published 2020-12-25


  • Strategic Human Resources Managemen,
  • Intention to Leave,
  • Training,
  • Selection and Placement,
  • Payment
  • Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi,
  • İşten Ayrılma Niyeti,
  • Eğitim,
  • Seçme ve Yerleştirme,
  • Ücret

How to Cite

KALUÇ, S., KILIÇ KIRILMAZ, S., & KIRILMAZ, H. (2020). A RESEARCH AIMED AT THE IMPACT OF STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON TURNOVER INTENTION. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4069–4098. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1649



The emergence of strategic HRM is an outcome of the strategic management trends shown by the organisations. In today's management practices, all business functions strive to associate working methods and practices with company strategy to achieve organisational performance. Therefore, as pointed out by Miles and Snow (1984), Strategic HRM occurs when HR departments try to harmonise their strategies, business-related processes and practices with business strategies. If there is no such affiliation between HRM and firm strategies, HRM will remain an operational process in the organisation (Zehir et al., 2016: 373).

Turnover intention is an active action exhibited by the employees upon entering into other pursuits as a result of reasons such as failure of the organisations in meeting the expectations of the employees, not being satisfied with the employment conditions and believing that the conditions will not improve (Çekmecelioğlu, 2005: 28). According to another perspective, turnover is a cognitive and behavioural phenomenon. Wage earner may consider leaving the job because their expectations are not met or various reasons. To realise this idea, one can go through various searches and quit his/her job when he/she finds another alternative to his/her job (Gürbüz and Bekmezci, 2012: 193-194).

Within the scope of this research, which is conducted to demonstrate whether the Strategic HRM practices applied in health institutions impact the wage earners' turnover intention, the literature review is first done about the study. In this context, strategic human resources management, turnover intention, the factors affecting the turnover intention, the results of the turnover intention, and the correlation between strategic human resources management and turnover intention are discussed. Information is given about the hypotheses created for the research, data collection method, and statistical techniques implemented in data analysis in the research method section. Findings obtained as a result of the research are explained in the findings section. In the discussion and conclusion section, the findings obtained from the research are evaluated, and recommendations are made concerning the results of the study.


The hypotheses of the research conducted to reveal whether the Strategic HRM practices applied in health institutions impact the wage earners' turnover intention are given below, and the model of the research is shown in the figure.

Strategic HRM



Selection and Placement


Turnover Intention





In this direction, the research hypotheses are identified as follows:

H1: There is a significant correlation between the perception of strategic human resources management and the level of turnover intention.

H2: The perception of strategic human resources management has a significant impact on turnover intention.

Research data are collected through a survey created for the research. "Strategic Human Resources Practices Scale" consisting of 16 items, which is developed by Chen and Huang (2008) and adapted to Turkish by Akgün (2010) and "Turnover Intention Scale" consisting of 4 statements, which is developed by Rosin and Korabick (1995) and adapted into Turkish by Tanrıöver (2005) are used in the survey in question. The scales are applied in a 5-point Likert structure.

The population is composed of the employees of a university hospital operating in Istanbul Province. No sample is determined for the research, and the researchers put in the effort to reach the entire population. However, 321 employees out of 435 employees were able to participate in the survey. Analyses are made on the remaining 304 questionnaires after excluding the incomplete and incorrect surveys. The data obtained from the research are analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program. Descriptive statistical methods, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were utilized in the analysis. Simple regression and stepwise regression methods were used while implementing regression analysis.



A reliability analysis is performed first for the strategic human resources scale and the turnover intention scale used in the study, and the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient is utilised to evaluate the reliability of the data. According to the results, the Cronbach's Alpha value of the Strategic Human Resources Practices Scale is determined as 0.792; Cronbach's Alpha value of the Turnover Intention Scale is determined as 0.891.

Correlation analysis is implemented to analyse the relationships between Strategic HRM practices and Strategic HRM sub-dimensions and the turnover intention in the study, and in this direction, the Pearson correlation coefficient is used. It is determined that there is a negative correlation between strategic HRM practices and the turnover intention at a lower level (r = -0.391). It is also determined that there is a negative and low-level correlation between education, which is one of the sub-dimensions of strategic HRM practices, and the Turnover Intention (r = -, 226). No significant relationship is found between wage, another sub-dimension of strategic HRM practices, and the turnover intention (r = -0.062). It is identified that there is a medium-level negative correlation between the last sub-dimension of strategic HRM practices, Selection and Placement, and the Turnover Intention (r = -, 417).

The impact of strategic HRM practices on the turnover intention is demonstrated using regression analysis. Accordingly, it is determined that the models that demonstrate the impact of HRM on the turnover intention (F=54.342; p=0.000), the impact of education (F=16.322; p=0.000) and selection and placement (F=63.556; p=0.000), which are sub-dimensions of strategic HRM, on the turnover intention are significant; and that the model that demonstrates the impact of wage (F=1.170; p=0.280), which is the sub-dimension of strategic HRM, on the turnover intention is not significant.

Strategic HRM practices on the turnover intention are negative and significant (β = -0.391; p = 0.000), while, Strategic HRM practices negatively affect the turnover intention. The model's correlation coefficient is 0.391, and the explained variance is 15.2% of the total variance. Based on this, although the model is significant, its explanatory effect is within limited levels. The impact of the education sub-dimension of strategic HRM practices on the turnover intention is negative and significant (β = -0.226; p = 0.000), and the education sub-dimension negatively affects the turnover intention. The model's correlation coefficient is 0.226, and the explained variance is 5.1% of the total variance. Based on this, although the model is significant, its explanatory effect is within lower levels. The impact of the selection and placement sub-dimension of strategic HRM practices on the turnover intention is negative and significant (β = -0.417; p = 0.000), and the selection and placement sub-dimension negatively affect the turnover intention. The model's correlation coefficient is 0.417, and the explained variance is 17.1% of the total variance. Based on this, although the model is significant, its explanatory effect is within lower levels.

According to the findings obtained as a result of the research; the H1 hypothesis (there is a significant correlation between the perception of strategic human resources management and the level of turnover intention) is accepted, and it is determined that there is a negative and moderate correlation between strategic HRM practices and the turnover intention. The H2 hypothesis (the perception of strategic human resources management has a significant impact on the level of turnover intention) is also accepted, and the impact of strategic HRM practices on the turnover intention is negative and significant. It is further observed that wage, one of the sub-dimensions of strategic human resources practices, does not significantly impact the turnover intention. That education and selection and placement sub-dimensions have a significant impact on turnover intention.



In this research conducted to demonstrate the impact of Strategic HRM Practices on the turnover intention, it is determined that there is a negative and moderate correlation between Strategic HRM practices and the turnover intention. According to this outcome, it can be asserted that as the perceived level of strategic HRM practices increases, the turnover intention will decrease. This result obtained from the research share similarity with Erdoğdu's (2019: 140) study.

By the data obtained from the research, the impact of Strategic HRM practices on the turnover intention is negative and significant, and Strategic HRM practices negatively affect the turnover intention. The impact of the education sub-dimension of strategic HRM practices on the turnover intention is negative and significant, while, the impact of the selection and placement sub-dimension on the turnover intention is also negative and significant. It is also found out that the model demonstrating the turnover intention of the wage, which is the sub-dimension of strategic HRM, is not significant. In this regard, it can be stated that effective strategic human resources practices will be beneficial for organisations in order to reduce the turnover intention of their employees. In a study conducted by Guchait and Cho (2010: 1240), similar results were achieved as our research. They found a significant and negative correlation between HRM practices and the turnover intention and that HRM practices account for about 22% of the variance in turnover intention.


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