Vol. 8 No. 5 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Res. Asisst., Gebze Technical University
Gökhan ÖZER
Prof. Dr., Gebze Technical University
Mehmet Şahin GÖK
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Gebze Technical University

Published 2020-12-25



  • Entelektüel Sermaye, Bilgi Yönetimi Stratejisi, Küresel İnovatiflik, Firma Performansı
  • Intellectual Capital Knowledge Management Global Innovativeness Firm Performance

How to Cite

CİĞERİM, E., ÖZER, G., & GÖK, M. Şahin . (2020). THE EFFECT OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ON FIRM PERFORMANCE. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4611–4645. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1644




Nowadays, it is seen that the intellectual capital accumulation and knowledge management strategies of the enterprises gain much more significance in terms of organizational efficiency. Although the importance of physical assets owned by businesses continues today, the importance of information-based assets has come to the fore in the technology age. In this sense, information management is an essential and comprehensive process that includes the stages of creating, validating, presenting, distributing, and applying information. The most important of these processes is the concept of intellectual capital implicit in businesses. In today's information age, the essential power that businesses have can be defined as their intellectual capital and innovation competence level.

In the 21st century, where competition has extremely sharp results, businesses need to differentiate from their competitors and offer value-oriented products/services for their customers in order to survive. This competition between businesses has made the efficient use of information, technology, and intellectual capital resources within the enterprise a necessity. The international dimension of the economy, the need to continuously innovate, and the more use of information technologies have obliged companies to operate in an intensely competitive environment. (Sanchez and Marin, 2005). Realization of all these differentiation and value-creating products/services is only possible with innovation. When the studies in the literature are examined, it has been determined that intellectual capital components affect the business performance, and businesses that can manage information elements are more innovative (Subramaniam & Youndt, 2005; Wu et al., 2008; Darroch, 2005).


Within the scope of this study, the effect of intellectual capital, knowledge management strategies, and innovation competencies of businesses on firm performance, and the mediating effects of knowledge management strategies and innovation competencies on the firm performance of intellectual capital was examined. As a result of the analysis, it has been proven that the company performance will increase depending on the increase in the intellectual capital, information management strategies, and the importance given to innovation by the enterprises.


As a result of the research, it has been observed that intellectual capital is effective in knowledge management strategies, knowledge management strategies affect firm performance positively, and global innovation has a full intermediary effect in this relationship. Although these enterprises make considerable efforts in using intellectual capital assets, it has been observed that these efforts do not have a significant effect on business performance.



Quantitative methods were used in this study. Partial Least Squares (PLS-Graph 3.0, Chin, 2001) approach was used to calculate the measurements and structural parameters within the structural equation model (SEM) (Chin, 1998).



Based on the companies included in the Technology Fast 50 2018 list published by Deloitte, the intellectual capital, knowledge management, innovation, and company performance relationship of the enterprises were analyzed.


The research sample, intellectually understand the value of the capital that will transform the default and intellectual capital of the value of having a knowledge management strategy, the Technology Fast 50 is selected from executives located in Turkey's fastest-growing technology companies in the 2018 list (Deloitte, 2018). First, the managers of the selected companies were contacted, and the purpose of the work was explained to them. 32 of the 50 companies interviewed agreed to participate in the study. To avoid a single source problem, at least two participants from senior or management level employees from each company participated in the survey.


Partial Least Squares (PLS-Graph 3.0, Chin, 2001) approach was used to calculate the measurements and structural parameters within the structural equation model (SEM) (Chin, 1998).


H3, H4




Global Innovativeness

Intellectual Capital

Knowledge Management Strategies

Firm Perfomance


H1: Intellectual capital positively affects firm performance.

H2: Intellectual capital positively affects the knowledge management strategy.

H3: Knowledge management strategy positively affects the performance of the company.

H4: Knowledge Management Strategies mediate the relationship between Intellectual Capital and firm performance.

H5: Global innovation has a moderator effect on the relationship between knowledge management strategies and intellectual capital.





As a result of the research, it has been observed that intellectual capital is adequate on knowledge management strategies, knowledge management strategies affect firm performance positively, and global innovation has a full intermediary effect in this relationship. Although these enterprises make considerable efforts in using intellectual capital assets, it has been observed that these efforts do not have a significant effect on firm performance.


The findings do not provide any empirical evidence of the direct effect of intellectual capital on firm performance; H1 is not supported. However, intellectual capital has a positive effect on knowledge management strategies (= .82 p <.01) and is supported. Also, the results show that knowledge management strategies are positively associated with firm performance (= .56 p <.01), H3 is supported. To test the H4 hypothesis, that is, the hypothesis about the mediating effect of global innovation, a two-step structure procedure was applied, and H4 was supported.


The most critical resource that businesses have is a qualified workforce. It is seen that intellectual capital is more effective in value creation when compared to other capital resources and intellectual capital of businesses that are strong in terms of qualified people today. One of the main reasons for this is that at the point of a company's profitability, the ability of human capital to manage all resources is the critical factor in a company's success. However, contrary to the literature (Bassi and Van Buren, 1999; Bozbura 2004; Chen et al. 2005; Phusavat et al. 2011; Zeghal et al. 2010; Yıldız 2011), it was found that intellectual capital does not have a significant effect on firm performance. Similarly, nomads and Virtue (2008) with the performance of the companies traded on the Istanbul Stock Exchange in Turkey has studied the relationship between intellectual capital; It could not detect a relationship between intellectual capital and performance. On the other hand, as a result of our analysis, it has been determined that information management strategies have a positive effect on firm performance.



Companies that can use their knowledge management and intellectual capital effectively can see the opportunities that may arise from the external environment before their competitors and gain a competitive advantage. In line with their objectives, it is necessary to implement the necessary practices to record, protect and share the documents and information capital of the enterprises with technology, to create an organizational culture, to strengthen cooperation with suppliers, customers and vendors. In this way, businesses aim to increase their organizational performance by trying to keep customer satisfaction and loyalty at a high level.


Each study has certain limitations. These limitations may open up new research opportunities for future studies. One of the most critical limitations of the study is the use of perceptual (subjective) performance indicators. Also, the characteristics of the firms are not included in the analysis in the study. Future studies may include control variables such as firm size, age, income level, job type, and expand the research model. Business sectors can cluster the sample to explore the differences between firms.


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