Vol. 8 No. 5 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Bahçeşehir University
Asisst. Prof. Dr., Beykent University

Published 2020-12-25


  • Örgüt, Örgütsel Öğrenme, Kaos, Kaotik Yapı, Talep Tahmini,
  • Organisation, Organizational Learning, Chaos, Chaotic Structure, Demand Forecasting

How to Cite

EYİGÜN, İsmail ., & YAŞAR, O. (2020). THE IMPACT OF ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING ON DEMAND FORECASTING: MODERATOR ROLE OF CHAOTIC STRUCTURE. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(5), 4017–4046. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i5.1640


The research aims to explain the relationship between chaotic structure, organisational learning and demand forecast, and to understand the effect of chaotic structure on the relationship between organisational learning and demand forecast.  The research is based on organisational learning and chaos theory. When organisational learning theory is considered in the context of the relationship between the organisation and the environment, it is said that learning cannot be achieved in chaotic settings. Additionally, chaos theory assumes that the future is unpredictable. So, in this study, the moderator role of the chaotic structure on the organisational learning and on-demand forecasting is examined. The originality of the study lies firstly in measuring the chaotic level and using it as an organisational variable, secondly analysing the effect of organisational learning on demand forecasting. The research was designed with objectivist methodological assumptions and used relational and causal survey model. The organisational learning data were collected from individuals who are micro level, and chaotic, forecasting data were collected from organisations which is meso level. The organisational learning data were collected from 615 employees from 26 regional offices by using Organizational Learning Questionnaire developed by Watkins and Marsick (1997), and the demand forecasting and chaotic structure data were obtained from the company operating in Food Industry in Turkey. The findings of the research revealed that organisational learning level has a strong positive correlation with demand forecasting and a strong negative correlation with the chaotic environment, and the chaotic structure has a moderator effect on the relationship between organisational learning and demand forecasting. Moderator role showed that low and medium levels of chaos reduced the relationship between variables and high levels of chaos affected adversely. This study has some practical and theoretical implications. From the practical perspective, the relations between variables   


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