Vol. 8 No. 4 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Mustafa KILLI
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Osmaniye Korkut Ata University
Sümeyye ULUDAĞ
Phd. Student, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University

Published 2020-12-10


  • Management Accounting Cost Performance Measurement Data Envelopment Analysis
  • Yönetim Muhasebesi, Maliyet Performansı Ölçümü, Veri Zarflama Analizi

How to Cite

KILLI, M., & ULUDAĞ, S. (2020). COST PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT WITH DATA ENVOLEPMENT ANALYSIS: AN IMPLEMENTATION IN BIST TEXTILE SECTOR. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(4), 797–828. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i4.1600



                1.1. RESEARCH SUBJECT

Regardless of the sector, they operate in, ensuring and measuring efficiency in businesses has become increasingly important in recent years. In particular, the global competitive environment forces businesses to use resources effectively and efficiently. For this reason, businesses need to evaluate their performance in the sector in which they operate, compare their effectiveness with their competitors and update their strategies in this context.

There are many studies in domestic and foreign literature about businesses operating in the Textile, Clothing and Leather sector. In the studies conducted by Çetin (2006), Sarıçam and Erdumlu (2012), Demir (2013), Verma, Kumavat and Biswas (2015), data envelopment analysis (DEA) was performed in the field of textile and ready-to-wear industry. Relatively efficient enterprises were determined by comparing the performance of the sectors. Also, as a result of the performance analysis, it was concluded that investments in the technological field should generally increase, resources should not be wasted, and the resources should be fully utilized in order to reduce inefficient resource use and provide better performance.


The study aims to measure the cost performance of the enterprises operating in the textile, clothing and leather sector, to determine their current status and to make predictions for the businesses to become more effective in the future. As a result of the comparison between enterprises, it is aimed to improve the input levels of inefficient textile enterprises, to identify a reference set for ineffective enterprises and to guide managers within the scope of management accounting.


                As a result of DEA applied to textile enterprises traded in BIST, it has been tried to contribute to the literature by making ineffective enterprises effective and making comments about the performances of the enterprises in terms of competition.


                2.1. RESEARCH TYPE 

                The most commonly used non-parametric method is the DEA technique developed by Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes in 1978 (Seyrek & Ata, 2010, p.69). DEA has emerged as an alternative to regression analysis for efficiency. One of the most significant advantages of the DEA method is that it provides the opportunity to process more than one input and output in the same analysis. DEA is a method that provides quick and easy performance measurement for analysts. It transforms multiple input and output values into a single efficiency value. With the interpretation of the results, individual suggestions are made, and it helps decision-makers to take economic measures (Frehe, 2013).

                2.2. RESEARCH PROBLEMS

                This research tries to reveal how the increase or decrease in costs of textile companies will affect performance.

                2.3. DATA COLLECTION METHOD

                The financial ratios used in the analysis were obtained from the financial statements of the companies examined within the scope of the research. The financial statements of the companies were obtained from the website of the Turkish Public Disclosure Platform.



                In the analysis made within the scope of the research, DEA is used. The cost-effectiveness of enterprises was measured by applying DEA, which is one of the most popular performance measurement methods that allow comparison in the same sector and can use more than one input and output.

                2.5. RESEARCH MODEL

                The choice of model depends on the input and output variables. If control over input is less, an output-oriented model should be used, if control over output is less, an input-oriented model should be used (Demir, 2013, p.64). Input-oriented models determine how much inefficient decision-makers should reduce their inputs to achieve a certain level of output. Output-oriented models, on the other hand, are models that try to determine how much output should be increased in order to ensure the effectiveness of ineffective decision units with a given combination of inputs (Akyüz, Yıldırım, & Balaban, 2015, p. 29).


                3.1. FINDINGS as a RESULT of ANALYSIS

                When the 2017 analysis of the enterprises was examined under a fixed scale, five enterprises were found effective. When examined under the variable scale, nine enterprises were found effective. Considering the effectiveness of the scale in 2017, 5 enterprises were effective. In 2018, 5 enterprises were effective under the fixed scale assumption, while ten enterprises were found effective under the variable scale assumption. Looking at scale efficiency in 2018, 5 enterprises were found effective. In 2019, 7 businesses on a fixed scale were effective, while ten businesses on a variable scale were effective. When the scale efficiency of 2019 was evaluated, it was concluded that 7 enterprises were effective. It has been determined that scale efficiency is effective in BLCYT and YATAS enterprises within the three years examined. In the years examined, the BLCYT enterprise was ranked first by referencing 25 times by other businesses. The efficiency of 2017 input and output values ​​with DEA ​​was evaluated and analyzed with the input-oriented BCC scale. Six enterprises are said to be effective because the efficiency measurement of BLCYT, DERIM, MNDRS, SNPAM, YATAS and YUNSA companies is found to be one as a result of the analysis. BLCYT, DERIM, MNDRS, SNPAM and YATAS firms were found useful on the CCR scale as DEA analysis results also gave fixed scale returns. As a difference, YUNSA firm was not effective in CCR scale, while BCC was useful on the scale. Since the scale efficiency value is found in the form of CCR / BCC, the scale efficiency of companies that are effective in both scales is 1. If we evaluate the efficiency results of the scale, five companies, namely BLCYT, DERIM, MNDRS, SNPAM and YATAS, are considered adequate.

                When the variable scale efficiency for 2017 was evaluated, it was determined that 10 out of 19 businesses were below the efficiency limit. There are ten inactive companies, namely ATEKS, ARSAN, BRKO, BRMEN, BOSSA, HATEK, KRTEK, KORDS, RODRG, SKTAS. The efficiency value of ATEKS, which is among the ineffective enterprises, is expressed as 0.796, which is 0.204 less efficient than the closest decision-making unit in the market. According to the average values, the scale efficiency average of 19 enterprises has a value of 0.840, and this value is close to 1, which is the efficiency limit, shows that the companies operating in the textile sector generally work close to the effect in 2017.

                When evaluated on the CCR (total efficiency) scale in 2018, five enterprises are effective, namely BLCYT, BOSSA, KRTEK, YATAS and YUNSA. When evaluated with the BCC (technical efficiency) scale, ten companies, namely BLCYT, BRMEN, BOSSA, DERIM, DESA, KRTEK, MNDRS, RODRG, YATAS and YUNSA, were found useful. According to the scale efficiency values; BLCYT, DERIM, MNDRS, SNPAM, and YATAS enterprises have been found useful. According to their average values, it can be said that the scale efficiency of 19 enterprises decreased compared to 2017 since the scale efficiency average of 2018 was 0.744.

                When efficiency was measured with the CCR scale in 2019, seven businesses, BLCYT, BOSSA, MNDRS, RODRG, SNPAM, YATAS and YUNSA, were found useful. When evaluated with the BCC scale; BLCYT, SNPAM, YATAS, YUNSA, MNDRS, RODRG, BOSSA, DAGI, DERIM, DESA companies are active. Seven firms, namely BLCYT, BOSSA, SNPAM, YATAS, YUNSA, MNDRS, RODRG, are active according to the scale efficiency values. According to the average values ​​of 2019, the scale efficiency average of 19 enterprises has a value of 0.858, showing that it is more effective compared to 2017 and 2018.


                4.1. RESULTS of the ARTICLE

                In this study, the cost performance of companies listed in the BIST Textile Sector between 2017 -2019 was analyzed using DEA. As a result of the analysis, while the scale efficiencies of two enterprises among the companies were influential in the years examined, other enterprises could not continue their activities regularly.

                4.2. SUGGESTIONS BASED on RESULTS

                For 2019 BRKO firm 41% in G1 (cost of sales/sales), 69% in G2 (management expenses/sales), 41% in G3 (marketing expenses), BRMEN firm up to 74% in G2 HATEK firm will be able to take an active position if it reduces 28% in G1 and G3 and 38% in G2. The cost of sales within the sales of these enterprises, general management and marketing, sales and distribution expenses have an essential place. When evaluated in general, it can be suggested to ineffective businesses to reduce their costs and significantly to develop strategies to reduce the cost of sales.

                4.3. LIMITATIONS of the ARTICLE

                This study was conducted by using the financial data of the textile companies listed in Borsa Istanbul.  Only data available for a three-year period based on the textile sector are considered. The study can be re-expanded for different sectors, period and models. It should also be considered that the financial data of companies not listed on the stock exchange will differentiate the results of their analysis.


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