Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Ayşegül ÖZKAN
PhD. Student, İstanbul Aydın University
Dr. Lect., Manisa Celal Bayar University
MBA Student, İstanbul Aydın University

Published 2020-09-25


  • Service Robot Integration Willingness Scale,
  • Scale Adaptation,
  • Robotic Systems,
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Hizmet Robotu Entegrasyon İsteklilik Ölçeği,
  • Ölçek Uyarlama,
  • Robotik Sistemler,
  • Yapay Zeka

How to Cite

ÖZKAN, A., AKKAYA, B., & ÖZKAN, H. (2020). SERVICE ROBOT INTEGRATION WILLINGNESS (SRIW) SCALE: ADAPTATION TO TURKISH, VALIDATION AND RELIABILITY STUDY. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(3), 3710–3750. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i3.1591




Mechanization in human life has been continuing rapidly since the industrial revolution. With Industry 4.0, this process has accelerated, and machines have formed an essential part of human life. Accordingly, artificial intelligence has begun to be used at a high level, and the era of robotic systems, smart machines and robots has begun. In addition to the workforce, many tasks based on robotic processes have begun to be defined with more mechanization in all departments in businesses. These technologies are not only valid for mechanical works such as production and logistics, but are also used extensively in other departments such as personnel tracking, marketing and decision making. Therefore, interest in high-level artificial intelligence and robotics has increased, laboratory environments have been created, many types of research have been published, conferences, congresses and panels have started to be organized. For example, in a study conducted by Frey and Osborne (2015) on 702 professions in the USA; It has been stated that about half of the professions can be automated. The most significant source of this situation is, of course, the mighty footsteps of artificial intelligence. According to Eberl (2019; 20), in this industry 4.0 period where there is a fundamental transformation in all living spaces of people; It is a matter of curiosity to what extent the investments for the future of artificial intelligence will affect people and what direction the willingness and readiness to have for this effect. 


The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of Service Robot Integration Willingness developed by Lu, Chi and Gursoy (2019) and to adapt the Service Robot Integration Willingness (SRIW) scale to Turkish. 


Although the scale is used by many researchers abroad, there has not been any study conducted in our country to adapt this scale to Turkish culture. In this study, the Service Robot Integration Willingness (SRIW) scale is adapted to the Turkish language and culture that contributes to the literature. 



The study is a quantitative method, and the data were collected by questionnaire.


Although the scale is used by many researchers abroad, there has not been any study conducted in our country to adapt this scale to Turkish culture


The Service Robot Integration Willingness scale originally consisted of 36 items and 6 factors. In this context, first of all, the meaning integrity of the Turkish translations of the scale, which includes 36 items, was reviewed. Service Robot Integration Willingness scale was adapted according to the adaptation method suggested by Brislin (1980). This method is a model that includes five necessary steps:

  1. Translating the scale into the target language to be used, 
  2. Evaluation of the translation made to the target language, 
  3. Re-translation into the source language, 
  4. Evaluating the repeat translation to the source language, 
  5. Final evaluation by experts. 


Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed.


Findings show that the factors in this study are interrelated and that there is only one factor that includes all factors. In this study, the model with acceptable goodness of fit values "second-order multifactorial model" is presented in Figure 1 (Δχ² = 750.059, sd = 489 χ² / sd = 1.53, NFI = 0.91, CFI = 0.94 GFI. = 0.92, AGFI = 0.90, RMR = 0.03 RMSEA = 0.04, and p = .000).


In order to be able to plan and understand the futures of businesses in every aspect, it is thought that the Service Robot Integration Willingness Scale will benefit both academically and on a sectoral basis. The scale initially consists of 36 items and 6 factors. Data obtained from three samples voluntarily participated in 673 employees operating in different service sectors were analyzed. A 6-factor structure that explains 73.01% of the total variance and as in the original was obtained.  


The findings show that the Turkish form of the Service Robot Integration Willingness Scale is a reliable and valid measurement tool with acceptable values that can be used for institutions and organizations operating in different sectors. The final version of the scale is included in Annex-4.  

The limitations of the study can be considered to reach a limited population in Marmara and Aegean Regions, and the number of people evaluated is 673. Our suggestions include evaluating the employees in other regions, evaluating the differences between generations with a distinction, and determining the relationship and impact with different variables. 

4.1. RESULTS of the ARTICLE                                          

Service robot integration willingness is an essential factor that characterizes the long-term willingness to integrate AI and service robots into regular service processes. This study aims to adapt the Service Robot Integration Willingness Scale developed by Lu, Chi and Gursoy (2019) into Turkish. The scale initially consists of 36 items and 6 factors. The data were obtained from three samples and analyzed. In order to determine the construct validity of the scale, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were performed first. A 6-factor structure that explains 73.01% of the total variance was obtained as in the original. However, since the goodness of fit values of the three items were not within the accepted value range, they were excluded from the scale one by one, respectively. As a result of the analysis, a scale structure consisting of 33 items and 6 factors as in the original was obtained. The obtained findings It can be said that the Turkish form of the Service Robot Integration Willingness Scale is a reliable and valid measurement tool with acceptable values that can be used for institutions and organizations operating in different sectors. 


Our suggestions include evaluating the employees in other regions, evaluating the differences between generations with a distinction, and determining the relationship and impact with different variables. 


The limitations of the study can be considered to reach a limited population in Marmara and Aegean Regions, and the number of people evaluated is 673. 



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