Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Asisst. Prof. Dr., Okan University

Published 2020-09-25


  • Human Asset Specificity Training Asset Specificity
  • İnsan Kaynağı Özgüllüğü, Eğitim, Varlık Özgüllüğü

How to Cite

AKDENİZ, E. (2020). EVALUATION OF HUMAN ASSET SPECIFICITY: DETERMINATION OF IN-SERVICE TRAINING METHOD IN AN ENTERPRISE BY AHP METHOD. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(3), 3123–3149. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i3.1562



In transaction costs theory, asset specificity stands out among the factors affecting transaction costs. Human asset specificity can be considered as an element that is included in the asset specificities of Williamson's (1981) studies and should be emphasized. The fact that human asset specificity includes human factors can be considered as the reason for the preference for this study. Other specificities are also discussed in this study in order to make a conceptual comparison. Within the framework of this study, the scope of the research was established based on the human asset specificity, which is included in the asset specificities of Williamson (1981) and other authors studies. Consequently, site-specificity and physical asset specificity (and other specificities in the classification) contained in the studies above were excluded from the scope of this study.
The purpose of the study, associated with the title of the study, is based on the in-service training method in an enterprise to evaluate the human asset specificity, which is the focal point of the study. In this context, determining the in-service training method with the AHP method comes into question in terms of the enterprise addressed. Therefore, the contribution is made by revealing which training method is suitable for the enterprise.

The literature review of the subject reveals that there are several sources on transaction costs theory, which is the main framework of the study. The table composed as a result of the literature review represents that each study of the stated table fundamentally focuses attention on three main specificities. These specificities are listed as site-specificity, physical asset specificity and human asset specificity. The other three specificities, dedicated asset specificity, temporal (spatial) specificity and brand name capital specificity are not emphasized in most of the studies. As distinct from site-specificity and physical asset specificity; human asset specificity that is focused in this study encapsulates knowledge and skills (Jobin, 2008: 448), training and learning by doing (Kang, 2002: 32 as cited in Bingöl, 2017: 15) and similar human subjects. Consequently, as it was seen as more susceptible to in-service training than other specificities, human asset specificity was preferred for this study.

In the study, AHP (analytical hierarchy process/process) was used as the method. The aim set out for the AHP method is to determine the in-service training method and is expressed with the title of "Training" in representing the hierarchical structure.
The main point within the framework of the research was the settlement of the appropriate in-service training method of the enterprise and the application of a suitable technique to effectuate the objective. The purpose of the study, associated with the title of the study, is based on the in-service training method in an enterprise to evaluate the human asset specificity, which is the focal point of the study. In this context, determining the in-service training method with the AHP method comes into question in terms of the enterprise addressed. Therefore, the contribution is made by revealing which training method is suitable for the enterprise. It can be emphasized again that the method for showing this contribution is AHP. It should be remarked that, by using the data of 2019, a certain period is discussed. Across the study, the full name of the enterprise addressed based on the case study is omitted.
Open-ended questions, which are useful in forming the questions, aiming to discover the unknown and enabling to learn the details of people's thoughts, and intending to get comprehensive information on a subject with little information (Hagan, 2005 as cited in Sevinç, 2011: 236; Sevinç, 2011: 235, 236), were also activated as a technique in the relevant step of the research.

In-service training method in an enterprise is utilized in the evaluation of human asset specificity, which is focused on the study. Accordingly, the selection of the in-service training method by AHP method from the concerned enterprise emerges. As a result, the contribution is made by appointing which training is suitable for the enterprise. Within the framework of AHP, which was selected as the method, this study was carried out using 2019 data. The name of the enterprise dealt with based on the case study is omitted. Published sources were taken as a basis for the alternatives used in the study. The primary source informing the criteria used in the study is the manager of the relevant enterprise responsible for education. Thereby, based on face-to-face interviews, evaluations were put forward with the help of questions revealed with open-ended questionnaires. The AHP method handled with all these alternatives and criteria, and has been analyzed with the 2.4.0-RC1 version of the Super Decisions Software. In line with the relevant solutions, rotation, delegation of authority, on-the-job training, orientation and internship rankings have been eventuated respectively in terms of the need for in-service training. The emerging results were shared with the relevant manager of the enterprise.
From a general perspective, transaction costs, the main framework discussed in the literature section of the study, have brought a diverse range of sources to the literature. Furthermore in the case of asset specificity, human asset specificity comes out as the main point of this study. Here, among the three specificities discussed in the literature review, human resource specificity stands out, especially considering human factors. Finally, handling of this case has been addressed within the framework of the study and has contributed to the literature. Other specificities were also included in the study in order to deal with human asset specificity comparatively.

In line with the relevant solutions, rotation, delegation of authority, on-the-job training, orientation and internship rankings have been eventuated respectively in terms of the need for in-service training. The emerging results were shared with the relevant manager of the enterprise.
It can be stated that the issues of site specificity and physical asset specificity (as well as other specificities classified) can be addressed for future studies. It is possible to make assessments with different asset subjects for future studies.
Within the framework of this study, the scope of the research was established on the basis of the human asset specificity which is included in the asset specificities of Williamson (1981). Consequently, site specificity and physical asset specificity covered in these studies were excluded from the scope of this study. Additionally, within the scope of education, in-service training methods are discussed in this study.


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