Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Bahçeşehir University
Maltepe University

Published 2020-09-25


  • Human Resources Social Media Qualitative Research
  • İnsan Kaynakları, Sosyal Medya, Nitel Araştırma

How to Cite

ENGİN BAYKAL, İlke, & BAYARÇELİK, E. B. (2020). RESEARCH ON USING SOCIAL MEDIA ON HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTIONS. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(3), 3359–3392. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i3.1527


Human resources management is all of the work done to increase the productivity of the workforce by carrying out the necessary activities to achieve the goals of the enterprise and to use the sufficient number of qualified personnel in the appropriate place and at the appropriate time and to increase the workforce efficiency by increasing the commitment, motivation and job satisfaction of the employees, thus reducing costs and ensuring profitability and efficiency. Selection and placement, performance management, talent management, training and development, wage management, information systems, employee-employer relations are human resources functions.
Social media is the general name of platforms where individuals can access information without time limits and share information in different formats in any field, where interactive participation is always possible, fast and easy participation is possible.
Social media, which is increasingly used in the concept of people’s life, has reached a level that human resources units should also be interested in, and steps have been taken towards transformations towards human resources.
Companies that want to provide the best service know that they need qualified employees in order to increase their market share. Organizations that want to have much information, such as determining the needs of their employees and the quality of corporate relations see the use of social media as an important way in human resources management.
Therefore, understanding how social media affects human resources functions has an important place in achieving the goals of companies. This study aims to measure how social media usage affects human resources functions.

The research was planned as qualitative research. In the scope of this research, 20 Human Resources Executives was interviewed. In the research, a standardized open-ended interview, carefully written and arranged in a specific order, consisted of a series of questions that were asked to each individual in the same way and sequentially. The primary purpose of the standardized open-ended interview is to ask the participants questions in the same way to understand the researcher’s impact on the research.

Q.1. Do you use social media tools in HR activities in your Company? If so, which of the following social media platforms do you use?
o Facebook
o Twitter
o LinkedIn
o Google+
o Other (_______)
Q.2. In what ways do you think social media tools affect HR processes?
Q.3. What are the benefits of using social media in HR Functions?
Q.4. Below, in which of the Human Resources functions do you use social media?

o Performance Management
o Career Management
o Wage Management
o Industrial Relations Management (Employer-Employer Relations)
o Employer Branding
o Training and Development
o Information Systems

Q.5. How do you use the social media you use in the processes of selection and placement, performance management, career management, wage management, industrial relations management, employer branding, training and development, information systems? Describe the social media tools used for each function.
Q.6. How is the use of social media in HR functions on company reputation?
In literature in Turkey and independent national human resources and social media; while many studies related to each other, somewhat less research examining two issues together. The studies that include both concepts and their results are listed below in chronological order. In the study of “The influence of internal and external social networks on HRM capabilities in MNC subsidiaries in China” Sumelius (2008), face-to-face interviews with the general managers of 66 branches of MNC subsidiaries in China to investigate the impact of internal and external social networks on human resources management capabilities. They concluded that internal and external social networks have a significant impact on both technical and strategic HRM capabilities. Girard and Fallery (2010), in their study titled “Human resource management on the internet: New perspectives”, argued that significantly the recruitment process has been affected by the internet in recent years, and investigated whether Web 2.0 tools are used by companies and for what purpose they use them. The study that was published by Eren and Vardarlıer (2013) is “Social media’s role in enhancing an employees retention as an HRM Strategy”, focusing on the level of social media and employee engagement, and its effect on organizational commitment. In this research, it has been tried researched how the personal use of social media is reflected in corporate usage and the social network usage habits and opinions of the enterprises. Wolf et al. (2014) investigated the role of social media in human resource management in their study named “The role of social media in human resource management”, and they measured the use of social media in two different organizations by choosing two pilot cases. Empirical findings revealed the similarities and differences in social media usage. Sander et al. (2014) ’s “The use of social network sites for the employment seeking process” interviewed 28 people seeking a job using social network sites, and the empirical results obtained from the experience of using social network sites in the job search process and the attitude of individuals in this process were tried to be determined. Pelin Vardarlıer’s (2014) “Human Resource management of social media’s role” in 2012. In his doctoral dissertation from entering the Capital 500 list prepared by Turkey Capital magazine 500 interviews were applied to the Company from the 318, the impact of human resource management processes in social media use was examined. In Mehtap Benli’s (2014) master’s thesis titled “The effect of social media in the recruitment process in human resources management: A sample study”, human resources management and its current practices were discussed, and human resources experts of 10 companies operating nationally and internationally were interviewed. As a result of the research, it was seen that social media tools have a positive effect on human resources processes. In the master thesis of Tülay Sönmez Bekem’s (2015) titled “The effects of social media in terms of organizational change in human resources management”, a questionnaire was applied to 266 managers and employees, and according to the data obtained, social media had positive effects on human resources managers and employees.
It has been concluded that social media has a positive effect on human resources functions such as providing cost and competitive advantage, efficiency, quick and easy communication with candidates, more convenient access of candidates to the Company, and retention of talent in the Company.


As a result of the researches, this study is the first in the literature as far as we know. Although the use of social media in human resources management has been discussed in different studies, in this study, human resources activities are divided into three dimensions and how each is affected by the use of social media is measured. How social media use reflects on human resources performance has been evaluated.
In future studies, the effectiveness of social media use in businesses can be investigated by comparing the use of social media between in-house departments. Social media studies can be carried out with other communication channels other than Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp and Glassdoor, and the effects of these channels on human resources functions can be investigated. This study was conducted with companies using social media, and the effect of social media use on human resources function was investigated. Institutions that do not benefit from social media in human resources management, and studies on social media abandonment can be carried out. Comparison can be made between Users and Non-Users.
The framework of the interviews in this study is limited to the theoretical field. As in many studies, the main limitation of the study is that the study cannot be generalized. Although the results will contribute to the level of human resources reputation, it is not possible to say that these elements will be valid in all cases. Working is limited to twenty people due to time and space limitations.


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