Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Altınbaş University
Edin Güçlü SÖZER
Asst. Prof., Okan University

Published 2020-09-25


  • Neuro-stimulus,
  • Neuromarketing,
  • Brand Awareness,
  • Perceived Quality,
  • Purchase Intention
  • Nöro-Uyaran,
  • Nöropazarlama,
  • Marka Fakındalığı,
  • Kalite Algısı,
  • Satınalma Niyeti

How to Cite

İŞERİ UZUNOĞLU, M., & SÖZER, E. G. (2020). COGNITIVE, PERCEPTUAL AND BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF NEURO-STIMULI: A STUDY ON PACKAGED FOOD PRODUCTS. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(3), 3097–3122. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i3.1513


Today, the food sector is characterised with intense competition and continuously becoming more challenging for marketers. When it is realised that 95% of consumers' purchasing decisions are made unconsciously, marketing tools started to target unconscious minds. Combining neuroscience and marketing disciplines, neuromarketing studies found that neuro-stimuli, directly addressing the brain, are influential on consumer perceptions. This study investigates the effects of neuro-stimuli applied on food product poster and packaging on mother-woman and child consumers' brand awareness, quality perceptions and purchase intentions. In the experimental design implemented, a total of 284 subjects composed of women and children are divided into 6 groups, and they were exposed to various degrees of neuro-stimuli in the poster and product packages in order to measure the influence of these stimuli. Findings of the research confirmed that application of neuro-stimuli significantly increased quality perception of women and purchase intentions of both woman and child consumers. Increasing intensity of neuro-stimuli also generated a partially significant influence. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided based on these findings.



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