Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Gizem Sultan SARIKAYA
Res. Asisst., Eskişehir Osmangazi University
Asisst. Prof., Eskişehir Osmangazi University

Published 2020-06-25


  • Gastronomic Elements, Gastronomic Identity, Promotion
  • Gastronomik Öğe, Gastronomik Kimlik, Tanıtım

How to Cite

SARIKAYA, G. S., & DÜŞMEZKALENDER, E. (2020). THE PLACE OF GASTRONOMIC ITEMS IN TOURISM PROMOTION ACTIVITIES: A RESEARCH ON PROMOTIONAL BULLETINS. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(2), 2431–2448. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i2.1500



Advertising and promotion activities for domestic and international tourism are carried out at the regional, national and international level for successful tourism management and destination marketing. In Turkey, within the scope of promotional activities carried out by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, culture and history, art, sea, sand, sun, gastronomy, sports and adventure, congress, health, family and children, honeymoon, luxury, entertainment, shopping, winter and nature titles materials are used in newsletters and advertising campaigns. Gastronomic elements are also used directly or indirectly in these promotional activities. Gastronomic elements are important to make destinations a brand. For example; tourists visit the region to experience the Champagne sparkling wine produced in the Champagne region of France, and thanks to this wine, it is known that the tourism activities of the destination are revived. (Hazarhun ve Tepeci, 2018:376). At this point, various promotional activities are carried out by the relevant units. The aim of this study is to examine the place of gastronomic items used in tourism promotion activities at the international level in the promotional bulletins.


Branding process in the field of tourism promotion activities have been published in the handle releases since 2014 in Turkey. The first issue of the bulletins was published in 2014 and it continued to be published at regular intervals until October 2018. In some periods, special annexes are also included. The promotional bulletins for 2019 and 2020 were not included in the study because they were not available. Promotion bulletins were evaluated by document review. Promotion bulletins were evaluated by document review.
Document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, was used to analyze promotional materials. Accordingly, in the research, 18 promotional bulletins published between 2014-2018 by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism were examined. Gastronomic items have been categorized to identify the groups to be searched.

With the findings obtained, it was observed that most of the bulletins included gastronomic items in the subject headings and the most preferred promotional activity in the promotion of Turkish cuisine culture is fairs and festivals organized abroad and after that cooking programs that were organized with local and foreign chefs. In addition, it has been concluded that Antep Baklava and Turkish Coffee are the most frequently used products in promotion.
When we look at the gastronomic items in the promotional bulletins, there is no topic for the first issue of gastronomy. In other issues, it has been determined that the promotion of Turkish cuisine in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Beijing and Kiev, photography contest on flavors in the viewfinder, festivals and food competitions, gastronomic events organized at national level and geographically marked products are included in the topics. It was observed in the promotional bulletins that different intermediaries were used in the promotion of the Turkish cuisine. These intermediaries; the television programs, fairs and festivals, tour programs, organizations with the participation of local and foreign chefs are grouped into Turkish culinary culture dishes published in foreign magazines.


With the findings obtained, it was observed that most of the bulletins included gastronomic items in the subjet headings and the most preferred promotional activity in the promotion of Turkish cuisine culture is fairs and festivals organized abroad and after that cooking programs organized with local and foreign chefs. In addition, it has been concluded that Antep Baklava and Turkish Coffee are the most frequently used products in promotion. However, it is seen that baklava is the most used gastronomic item in the promotion of Turkish cuisine. The gastronomic element of Turkey's recognition of the contribution to the economy and to put forth the work of addressing the current situation analysis can be done. Examining its place in the promotional activities of gastronomic items made abroad, comparisons can be made and new proposals can be submitted. Prepared by the Culture and Tourism Ministry and having received received different awards in the World, "Home of Turkey" campaign can be analyzed in terms of semiotics and content analysis and effects by taking in different areas, to contribute to Turkey's recognition may be subject to different researches.


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