Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Lect., Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University

Published 2020-06-25


  • Social Media Marketing E-Loyalty E-Trust Social Identity Perceived Value
  • Medya Pazarlaması, E-Sadakat, E-Güven, Sosyal Kimlik, Algılanan Değer

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1.1. RESEARCH SUBJECT: The research subject is investigating the relationships among social media marketing activities that affect customers' purchasing behavior in e-commerce, and the concepts of e-satisfaction, and e-loyalty and e-trust, and the mediating role of social identity and the perceived value in these relations.

1.2. RESEARCH PURPOSE AND IMPORTANCE: The purpose of the research is to determine the mediating role of social identity and perceived value in the impact of social media marketing activities on e-satisfaction, and to measure the effect of e-satisfaction on e-loyalty and e-trust and e-trust on e-loyalty. The study is important in terms of presenting a conceptual model that takes many variables together in national and international marketing literature.

1.3. CONTRIBUTION of the ARTICLE to the LITERATURE: When the marketing literature is analyzed, there are a limited number of studies investigating the mediating roles of perceived value and social identity in e-commerce together. This study is important in terms of contributing to the literature. In addition, addressing e few variables, which are indicators of purchasing behavior, serves this purpose.


2.1. RESEARCH TYPE: Research article

2.2. RESEARCH PROBLEMS: What is the effect of social media marketing on the purchasing behavior of online shoppers? Are the relationships between e-satisfaction, e-loyalty, and e-trust meaningful? Do social identity and perceived value play an intermediary role in these relationships?

2.3. DATA COLLECTION METHOD: Survey method

2.4. QUANTITATIVE / QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS: Exploratory Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis and Regression Analysis





H1: Social identity has a mediating role in the impact of social media marketing activities on e-satisfaction.
H2: Perceived value has a mediating role in the impact of social media marketing activities on e-satisfaction.
H3: e-satisfaction has a positive effect on e-loyalty.
H4: e-satisfaction has a positive effect on e-trust.
H5: e-trust has a positive effect on e-loyalty


3.1. FINDINGS as a RESULT of ANALYSIS: It has been determined that social identity and perceived value have a partial mediating role in the impact of social media marketing activities on e-satisfaction, e-satisfaction has a positive effect on e-loyalty and e-trust and e-trust on e-loyalty.

3.2. HYPOTHESIS TEST RESULTS: All hypotheses are supported.

3.3. DISCUSSING the FINDINGS with the LITERATURE: Similar results have been obtained with various studies in the literature (Asih ve Pratomo, 2018:125-144; Vijay vd., 2019:1-15; Kaya vd., 2019:369-394;Chen ve Lin, 2019:22-32; Quana vd., 2020:63-76).


4.1. RESULTS of the ARTICLE: It has been determined that social identity and perceived value have mediating roles in the impact of social media marketing activities on e-satisfaction, and e-satisfaction has a positive effect on e-loyalty and e-trust and e-trust on e-loyalty.

4.2. SUGGESTIONS BASED on RESULTS: For future research, the model can be applied by considering different e-commerce sites. In addition, brand attitude, brand image, e-service quality variables and the relationships of these variables or the mediating role of e-satisfaction on e-trust along with e-loyalty can be explored.

4.3. LIMITATIONS of the ARTICLE: The fact that the research covers only one e-commerce site and convenience sampling from non-random sampling methods should be considered as the limitations of the research.


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