Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


İstanbul Commerce University
Assoc. Dr., İstanbul Commerce University

Published 2020-09-25


  • Intellectual Capital Investments Innovation Capitalization
  • Entelektüel Sermaye Yatırımlar Inovasyon Aktifleştirme

How to Cite

DAŞTAN, K., & BAYRAKTAR, O. (2020). INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL CAPITALIZATION AND A CASE STUDY. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 8(3), 2546–2571. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v8i3.1478


Intellectual capital consists of human capital, customer capital and structural capital (Rodov & Leliaert, 2002). The most recent studies of intellectual capital were made by Schultz (1961) and Becker (1994). These reviews have been mainly within the framework of growth and investments. Dynamic elements of intellectual capital are education, health and labour transfers. Education is the main factor that makes people qualified and ensures high efficiency in the production of goods and services by increasing the number of qualified people in the society (Yücel, vd, 2015, s. 288).
This study aims to present a practical example and suggestion about the capitalization of intellectual capital based on the literature. In company merger or acquisitions, decision-makers need to measure the intellectual capital of the business together with other resources. In this research, it is aimed to present an example regarding the measurement of intellectual capital.
In the practice example, it is shown how many human resource expenditures such as recruitment, education and social expenditures can be capitalized in the balance sheet with the methods of market value- book value, the value-added intellectual coefficient in case the legislation in our country is regulated, and the intellectual capital accumulation of the banks is revealed with the balance sheet analysis. The study is expected to make a theoretical contribution to the capitalization of intellectual capital in Turkish literature.
Although there are different approaches in the calculation of intellectual capital, there is no globally accepted method yet. Due to the parametric data of the intellectual added value coefficient methods, it was preferred to use the market value-book value, Tobin's q ratio method in this study. Tobin's q ratio, developed by James Tobin (1969), is calculated as X= Market Value / Asset Replacement Cost. In this formula, the market value is equal to the number of stocks across the unit price. Replacement cost is equal to the cost incurred to regain assets. If the ratio is in a downward trend over the years, it becomes poorer in terms of intellectual capital and intangible assets. This also means that the management of these items is not well done (Akt: Çelik & Perçin, 2000, s. 116). Due to the nature of the research, there is no need for an ethics committee permission document.

The article is a case study.
Two questions were answered in the research: (1) What are the components of intellectual capital? (2) What are the methods of capitalization of intellectual capital?
Balance sheet data of two public banks were used in the study. Used data are reliable due to the Capital Market Board-CMB audits them. Analysis method developed by James Tobin (1969) was used in the analysis of the balance sheet data.
According to the evaluations made, it was found that the intellectual capital of both banks subject to analysis was in an increasing trend between 2016-2018 and the customer capital followed a fluctuating course. It is observed that there was an increase in the number of branches and employees of both banks in the analyzed three-year period. In addition to the increase in the number of branches and employees in the number of branches and employees, the human and structural capital of banks also increased in the same period. In 2018, the ratio of human capital in operating expenses was around 25% in both banks. According to this result, it can be said that both banks have a high level of intellectual capital accumulation. Within the framework of these findings, it can be said that a potential basis for capitalization can be formed by eliminating the deficiencies in the literature.
In an environment where capital flows are so liberalized in the globalizing world, intellectual capital movements inevitably have an intense fluidity too. As our country increases its share of foreign investment and R&D, it can continue to increase its intellectual capital accumulation, and this accumulation can lead to the acceleration of the integration of financial statements, and the concept of capitalizing human resources accounting and intellectual capital to settle in the business world. The public administration can speed up and facilitate this process by preparing the legal infrastructure for the capitalization of intellectual capital. There is always a difference between the balance sheet value and market value of the company. The calculation of the intellectual capital owned by the business will allow this difference to be explained a little more. There is not yet a generally accepted standard for the capitalization of intellectual capital in the world or our country. We hope that our research will set a small example for those who want to work in this field. In order to establish a standard in the capitalization of intellectual capital, other researchers need to come up with more examples based on real firm data. Balance sheet data of public companies are easily accessible. These data are reliable for evaluation, as they have audited many audits. We can state that this is an opportunity for new research.


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