

Zeynep Üster

Published 2015-02-16

How to Cite

Üster, Z. (2015). AN INVESTIGATION OF IMPULSIVE BUYING TENDENCIES OF SHOPPERS IN ELECTRONIC ENVIRONMENT. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 2(2), 168–187. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v2i2.69


In recent years, along with the advances in technology the internet is also differentiated. Internet, meets the needs of information on any subject, has become faster, easier and cheaper shopping environment for consumers to reach. The features of internet that make life easier make the electronic environment attractive for shoppers. However, as a side effect of these advantages, consumers begin to show behavior of buying goods without the need in electronic environment. In this study aim is to examine the impulsive buying trends of consumers that shop in electronic environment. Other sub-objective is to determine the effects of demographic characteristics and psychological factors on impulsive buying trends of consumers’ impulse buying tendency. Moreover it analyzes the factors effecting impulsive buying in electronic environment. In the part of application, interactive implementation is made to analyze the impulsive buying behavior of consumers that shop in electronic environment. Research data is collected by survey method and 245 valid survey results analyzed by SPSS software. Data reliability levels were determined, the frequency and average values were calculated, factor analysis and MANOVA analysis were applied.


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