

Seliha Seçil Bayram
Karabük Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri MYO

Published 2015-02-16

How to Cite

Bayram, S. S. (2015). FINANCIAL LITERACY AND MONEY MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOURS: APPLICATION ON STUDENTS OF ANADOLU UNIVERSITY. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 2(2), 105–135. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v2i2.68


Financial literacy refers to level of competence in making information based decisions about selection of financial instruments in daily life. Financial awareness in decisions about investment and savings underlie the concept of financial literacy. University students who can be viewed as the future of the society are expected to have a relatively high level of financial literacy. Formal institutional education is expected to increase the level of financial literacy. This study attempts to determine the level of basic financial literacy of students of a Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Porsuk Vacational School. Findings show that students perceive themselves to be more successful than they really are in managing their self finances. Therefore inclusion of program content in curriculum to increase their level of financial literacy is necessary. Employment of media like the internet that is able to provide general education and training about financial literacy will contribute to improvements.


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