Vol. 7 No. 5 (2019): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Assoc. Prof. Dr., Artvin Çoruh University

Published 2019-12-25


  • Leadership Styles, Individual Entrepreneurship, Creative Performance
  • Liderlik Tarzları, Bireysel Girişimcilik Algısı, Yaratıcılık Performansı

How to Cite

SÖZBİLİR, F. (2019). AN INVESTIGATION ON CREATIVITY PERFORMANCE IN THE CONTEXT OF LEADERSHIP STYLES AND INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(5), 2980–2999. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v7i5.1304


Entrepreneurs are similar to leaders in terms of individual characteristics. At the same time, entrepreneurs who have high creative performance are considered as successful. This study aims to determine the impact of leadership styles (LS); democratic, managerial, and charismatic leadership on individual entrepreneurship perception’s (IEP) dimensions; planning, self-confidence, communication, motivation, and self-discipline, and impact of IEP’s dimensions on creativity performance (CP). In this empirical study, the data were collected from 286 entrepreneurs in Turkey. Data were analyzed using SmartPLS software and presented in tables. Internal consistency, composite reliability and convergent validity analyses results are sufficient. The findings showed that most of the LS’s dimensions have positive and significant impact on IEP’s dimensions. However, LS-Managerial hasn’t got a significant impact on Self-discipline dimension of IEP. LS’s all dimensions, except Charismatic, also have impact on CP. The other hand IEP’s dimensions have positive and significant impact on CP except Self-discipline.


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