Vol. 7 No. 3 (2019): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Prof. Dr., Çukurova Unv., Business Ad. Depart., Marketing

Published 2019-09-07


  • E-retail, Flow Experience, Intention
  • E-perakende, Akış Deneyimi, Niyet

How to Cite

ÇABUK, S., & KUŞ, A. S. (2019). THE EFFECT OF FLOW EXPERIENCE IN E-RETAIL SITES ON CONSUMER PURCHASE INTENTION - AN INVESTIGATION ON BRANDS IN THE CLOTHING AND SHOE SECTOR. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(3), 257–279. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v7i3.1256


In recent years, increasing number of internet users, e-retail sector attracts the attention of the companies. In this context, companies have started e-retailing activities in order to reach larger audiences. Among the different types of products and services marketed by e-retail, clothing and footwear sector which has a big share, ease of purchase, variety of products and so on. In recent years, because of the situation it is becoming quite attractive by consumers in Turkey's market. In addition, individuals, e-retail sites, as well as the situations mentioned about the product and the price of information, purchase, curiosity and so on. Additively different variables, flow experience is thought to be effective in purchasing intention. With this study, it is aimed to explain the effect of the flow experience during the use of the site on the consumer purchase intent in the consumers who prefer e-retail sites for clothing and footwear shopping.


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