Vol. 7 No. 4 (2019): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Mehmet Ozan KARAHAN
Lecturer, PhD, Usak University
Prof. Dr.,, Dumlupinar University

Published 2019-09-24


  • Digital Piracy, The Planned Behavior Theory, Ethic Theory, Consumer Behavior
  • Dijital Korsanlık, Tüketici Davranışları, Planlı Davranış Teorisi, Etik Teori

How to Cite

KARAHAN, M. O., & KAYABAŞI, A. (2019). THE EFFECT OF THE THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR AND THE THEORY OF ETHICS IN DIGITAL PIRACY. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(4), 1751–1775. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v7i4.1145


This study aims to analyze and describe the factors that influence Turkish computer users’ behaviors related to digital piracy in the context of the theory of planned behavior and ethical models. Relational research model was used to reveal the relationship between variables. Structured questionnaires were used for obtaining data and research units were easily sampled. Both single and multi-variabe statistical analysis methods were used while analysing research data and after all structural equilibrium model and path analyses were carried out for testing the hypotheses. While habit the additional factor of the model and the perceived behavioral control factor does not affect the behavior of the individual; attitude and subjective norm factors have influence on intention. Also, intention factor affects the behaviors of the individual for digital piracy as expected. In the context of general ethical theory, perceived benefit factor forming the teleological ethics does not affect the intention of the individual but it affects the attitude with the perceived risk factor. It is also accepted that the moral obligation and justice factors forming the deontological ethics affect the subjective norm and the moral obligation affects the intention of the individual on the digital piracy.


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