Vol. 7 No. 4 (2019): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Assoc. Prof. Dr., Anadolu University
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Anadolu University
Ethem ESEN
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Anadolu University

Published 2019-09-20


  • Borsa İstanbul, Statisical analysis, Financial economics.
  • Borsa İstanbul, İstatistiksel analiz, Finansal ekonomi.

How to Cite

ÖZDEMİR, A., TEMİZEL, F., & ESEN, E. (2019). EVALUATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF BORSA ISTANBUL TECHNOLOGY INDEX (XUTEK) COMPANIES. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(4), 1173–1187. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v7i4.1132


Financial communication has a significant impact on the valuation of capital markets. Stakeholders must be informed in accordance with the spirit of time in achieving fair market value. Effective approaches that take advantage of the cost-benefit balance are redefined within the framework of technological developments. Social media, which is the subject of this study, has been discussed in this context. In this study, the performances of the technology sector enterprises in social media with their market values and selected financial indicators are evaluated. The findings of the study reveal that the enterprises mostly create an account on Facebook. YouTube is the least preferred social media tool. The average market value of the companies using social media is higher than those who do not. This situation shows that the enterprises with high market value are more active in social media. On the other hand, a similar relationship was not observed between social media usage and financial performance indicators.


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