Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Nevra Bedriye Baker ARAPOĞLU
Assist. Prof. Dr., Altınbaş University

Published 2019-06-26


  • Leader-Member Exchange,
  • Affective Commitment,
  • Trust In Leader,
  • Job Satisfaction,
  • Anger
  • Lider-Üye Etkileşimi,
  • Duygusal Bağlılık,
  • Lidere Güven,
  • İş Memnuniyeti,
  • Öfke

How to Cite

ARAPOĞLU, N. B. B. (2019). THE MODERATING EFFECT OF LEADER ANGER ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEADER-MEMBER EXCHANGE AND FOLLOWER JOB OUTCOMES. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(2), 781–794. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v7i2.1099


This study investigates the moderating effect of leader anger on the relationship between LMX, which is one of the most prominent leadership theories, and the three follower job outcomes of affective commitment towards the organization, trust in leader, and job satisfaction. This study was undertaken in the format of an experiment which is followed by a survey in which four groups of different fictional leader types were created, and respondents were asked to answer questions about these leaders assuming that they work with the described leader. The results of the study reveal that leader anger moderates the relationship between leader-member exchange and the three follower job outcomes in such a way that they result in diminished levels of affective commitment towards the organization, trust in leader, and job satisfaction in cases of both high LMX and low LMX leaders.


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