Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Business & Management Studies: An International Journal


Aslı İcil TUNCER
Assist. Prof. Dr., Adnan Menderes University

Published 2019-03-19


  • Relationship Management,
  • Public Relations,
  • Relationship Cultivation Strategies,
  • Relationship Results
  • İlişki Yönetimi,
  • Halkla İlişkiler,
  • İlişki Yetiştirme Stratejileri,
  • İlişki Sonuçları

How to Cite

TUNCER, A. İcil. (2019). PUBLIC RELATIONS AS A RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT: ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 7(1), 203–223. https://doi.org/10.15295/bmij.v7i1.1060


    The paradigm of relationship management puts the relations in the center of public relations and public relations are rewarded in terms of this center. Public relations as the management of relations requires the resolution of the structure of relations with stakeholders and the public. This research the forms of the relationship established by the organization, how the relations are perceived in the organization, the strategies used to train these relations and the in-depth interviews to reveal the results of the relationship that the organization expects, tried to solve with focus group studies. When all the findings are generally evaluated, the relations are clearly at the center of the organization, and the relations for the publics are valuable. The results of the relationship that the organization hopes as a result of the strategies in the training of the relations are different in the evaluations of the public.


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